ECON 915 - Advanced Topics in Macroeconomics
Winter 2003
Course Outline
0. Introduction
- Pissarides, C.A., Equilibrium Unemployment Theory , 2nd
ed., The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2000
1. Business Cycles
A. Inadequacies of the standard real business
cycles that can be traced to the Walrasian labour
- Merz, M. ``Search in the Labor Market and the Real Business Cycle'',
Journal of Monetary Economics, 36 (1995) 269-300.
B. Accounting for the business cycle facts
2. Wage Dispersion
A. A basic framework
- Mortensen, D., ``Equilibrium Unemployment with Wage Posting:
Burdett-Mortensen meet Pissarides", 281-292 in Panel Data
and Structural Labor Market Models, H. Bunzel et al. eds.,
North-Holland, Amsterdam, 2000.
B. Some extensions and alternatives
3. Unemployment Insurance
- Andolfatto, D., and P. Gomme, ``Unemployment Insurance and
Labor Market Activity in Canada'', Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series
on Public Policy, 44(1) (June 1996) 47-82.