ECON 1010C


Department of Economics, Atkinson College

York University
Summer Term, 2005

Instructor: Sharif Faisal Khan
E-mail: ; Phone: 416-736-5232, 613-533-6373 
Rm. 2037, TEL Bldg
Office Hours: Mondays and Wednesdays 2:30 p.m.-3:30 p.m.
Course Web Page:



Run By: Teaching Assistants  
Rm 2027, TEL Bldg
Hours: Mondays to Thursdays 3:45 p.m.-5:45 pm; Saturdays 12:00-3:00pm.
Dates: June 27 to August 8

Please feel free to stop by during the lab hours if you need any help understanding the course materials.





Correction: In Part C of Assignment 1, instead of Chapter 6 it should be Chapter 7 and instead of Chapter 7 it  should be Chapter 8.






     The TERM TEST 1 will be held on July 6 (Wednesday) at 4:00 p.m. It will be a 80-minute exam. After the exam we will take a 15-minute break and then we will have our regular lecture. The exam will cover Ch 6, 7, 8 and 9 from the textbook and my lectures up to June 29. I highly recommend everybody to work out the optional assignments  (Assignment 1 and 2) as a part of your exam preparation.

    The teaching assistant of this course, Parvez Abbasi, will hold extra office hours on July 5 from 1:00 to 3:00 pm at Vari Hall 1131 (inside the Economics Dept). I will also be available in my office, TEL 2037,  on July 4 and July 6 from 2:30 to 3:30 pm. If you have any questions, please feel free to stop by during these office hours.

    The TERM TEST 2 will be held on July 20 (Wednesday) at 4:00 p.m. at Vari Hall C. It will be a 80-minute exam. After the exam we will take a 15-minute break and then we will have our regular lecture. The exam will cover Ch 10, 11, 12 and Ch 13 (up to the heading- "Faith as the Backing......"- on page 320) from the textbook and my class lectures from July 4 to July 12. I highly recommend everybody to work out the optional assignments (Assignment 3 and 4) as a part of your exam preparation. Assignment 4 will be posted soon.

        Parvez Abbasi will hold office hours on July 18 from 1:00 to 2:00 pm at Vari Hall to answer your questions regarding the grading of Term Test 1. On July 19 he will be available from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. to answer your questions regarding the Term Test 2 study materials. His office is at Vari  Hall 1131 (inside the Economics Dept). I will also be available in my office, TEL 2037,  on July 18 and July 20 from 2:30 to 3:30 pm. If you have any questions or want to see your Term Test 1 Multiple Choice Answer card, please feel free to stop by during my office hours.

      The format of Term Test 2 will be similar to the format of Term Test 1.

    The final exam is scheduled on August 4 (thursday) from 7 to 10 pm at CLH L.

   Final Exam Format:         Part A: 50 Multiple Choice Questions ( 50*1.5= 75 Marks)

                                         Part B: 1 out of 3 T/F/U questions with explanation (10 Marks)

                                         Part C: 1 out of 2 Problem Solving Questions ( 15 Marks)

   Final Exam Syllabus:  1. Chapter 6 to Chapter 16 ( up to the heading " Monetary Union...." on Page 398) 

                                    2.  Final Exam will NOT cover Appendix A of Ch 6, Appendix A of Ch 13 and Appendix A of Ch 16. 

                                       All other Chapter Appendices are included in the exam syllabus.

  Extended Office Hours:   August 2 (Tuesday) 4:00-7:00 p.m. at TEL 2037

                                         August 3 (Wednesday) 2:00-4:00 p.m. at TEL 2037

                                         August 4 (Thursday) 4:00-6:00 p.m. at TEL 2037               

Exam Review Class:  

I have to cancel the exam review class since all the classrooms are booked for exams.  Instead of the review class, I am holding office hours on Tuesday 4:00 to 7:00 pm.

TIPS to Do Well in the exam:  

Make sure you can do all the assignments and two term tests. Focus on the materials I covered during the lectures. If you missed any class, get the lecture notes from your classmates. Posted lecture slides are not enough. Read the textbook chapters. Question C1 of Assignment 3, C1 of Assignment of 4, and C1 & C2 of Assignment 5 are very important for your final exam. Make sure you can answer these kinds of questions.   






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