Winners of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics
University of Michigan, Department of Economics,
- 1969
Ragnar Frisch and Jan
- 1970
Paul Samuelson
- 1971
Simon Kuznets
- 1972
Kenneth J. Arrow and
John R. R. Hicks
- 1973 Wassily Leontief
- 1974 Gunnar Myrdal and Friedrich A. von Hayek
- 1975 Leonid Kantorovich and Tjalling C. Koopmans
- 1976
Milton Friedman
- 1977 Bertil Ohlin and James Meade
- 1978 Herbert Simon
- 1979 Sir Arthur Lewis and Theodore W. Schultz
- 1980 Lawrence R. Klein
- 1981
James Tobin
- 1982
George J. Stigler
- 1983
Gerard Debreu
- 1984 Richard Stone
- 1985
Franco Modigliani
- 1986 James Buchanan
- 1987
Robert Solow
- 1988 Maurice Allais
- 1989 Trygve Haavelmo
- 1990 Merton Miller, William Sharpe, and Harry Markowitz
- 1991
Ronald Coase
- 1992 Gary Becker
- 1993
Robert Fogel and Douglas North
- 1994 John Nash, John Harsanyi, and Reinhart Selton
- 1995
Robert Lucas