Queens University at Kingston

Mill, John Stuart

Throughout the last half of the nineteenth century, during almost the whole of the Victorian ageright up to the publication of Marshall's Principles (1890), the Principles of Political Economy, With Some of Their Applications to Social Philosophy (1848) by John Stuart Mill was the leading economic textbook of the English-speaking world. It drew its enormous appeal from its extensive coverage of contemporary economic issues, from its judicious blending of economic analysis and historical illustrations, from its masterful synthesis of Ricardian doctrine with many of the qualifications introduced by Rechart's critics, from its radical tone contained within an orthodox framework, from its elegant style, and from the reputation of Mill as a logician, philosopher, political theorist and belle lettrist. Here was no mere economist but a leading Benthamite,4 saint of liberalism', and a figure that towered over the intellectuals of his time in almost every area of debate.


© Mark Blaug, Great Economists Before Keynes: An Introduction to the Lives and Works of One Hundread Great Economists of the Past , Brighton: Wheatsheaf, 1986. In Stauffer Library: HB76 .B62 1986t