[Government of Canada Sites] [Canadian Research Institutes and Private Organizations] [World Organizations and Media]


Government of Canada Sites:

*Statistics Canada

The official website for Canada's statistics-gathering organization. Full of news, links, and, you guessed it, statistics of all kinds.

*CANSIM Data Base

Statistic Canada's computerized database and information retrieval system. Contains over 600,000 time series on macroeconomic variables such as the Bank of Canada's Money Aggregates, the Gross Domestic Product, Consumer Price Indices, the Balance of Payments and Exchange Rates. Also is a great source for Labour Force Statistics.

*The Bank of Canada

Learn about the Bank's history and its role in the Canadian economy. Also of interest it its Monetary Policy Report, published semiannually.

*The Department of Finance

Review current fiscal-policy objectives and recent documents issued by the federal department responsible for the budget, fiscal policy, taxation and certain international economic policies.

*The Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade

Homepage of the Canadian department responsible for trade policy and international relations.

*The Treasury Board

The government agency responsible for expenditure management and financial control.

*Western Economic Diversification

The agency that promotes the diversification of the Western-Canadian economy. The agency assists small and medium-sized businesses gain access to capital and expand employment.

*Industry Canada

Industry Canada promotes economic growth, international competitiveness, monitors uncompetitive practices and encourages regional development.


Canadian Research Institutes and Private Organizations:

*The C.D. Howe Institute

An active independent research organization in issues concerning social and economic policy.

*The Fraser Institute

The Fraser Institute is a conservative research group advocating free-market solutions to public-policy problems.

* The Globe and Mail

'Canada's National Newspaper' Online.

* TD Bank's Economic Reports

Publications put out by the Toronto Dominion Bank that chart recent economic developments both in North American and Overseas. Weekly disgests focus on financial developments, such as short-term interest rates, the Canadian dollar and the exchange rate. The Quarterly Report gives a broad outlook of how the economies are doing. Detailed information about the Federal and Provincial Budgets is also available.

* Bank of Montreal`s Economic Research Homepage

Similiar to the TD Bank's publications. Includes current commentaries by the bank's staff economists, information on leading economic indicators, and economic outlooks. Greater attention is given to international countries, especially Germany and Japan. Both are excellent examples of the macroeconomic analysis done in the private sector.


World Organizations and Media:

*The Economist

Sampler of the hardcopy. Worth a look.

*The World Bank

The World Bank is an international development bank based in Washington, D.C.. Contains useful information about developing countries.

*The International Monetary Fund

Another Washington-based organization responsible for monitoring and assisting countries with balance of payments problems.

*The Brookings Institute

An important contributor to economic and social policy issues in the United States.

*The O.E.C.D.

The Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development is a collection of developed countries committed to open markets and democratic government. The OECD undertakes research and compiles statistics on the economic performance of member countries.
*The European Union.

An impressive homepage maintained by Berkeley on the European Union. Contains information about the treaties, objectives and future of the Union.

* A G-7 Information Source.

A site maintained by the University of Toronto on the activities of the Group of Seven leading industrialized countries.

If you are interested in seeing a home page for a similar course at Carnegie Mellon University click here.

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