AK/ECON 2450 A&B

Intermediate Macroeconomics II

Department of Economics

York University
Summer 2 Term, 2009

Instructor: Sharif F. Khan
E-mail: khans@qed.econ.queensu.ca ; Phone: 416-736-2100 EXT. 20492, 613-583-7478
Rm. 2046, TEL Bldg
Instructor Office Hours: Mondays 4:45 -5:45 pm and Tuesdays 6:15 p.m.-7:15 p.m. at TEL 2046

Course Web Page: http://qed.econ.queensu.ca/pub/students/khans/ECON2450_S2_09.htm

TA: Emilia Barbu

TA Office Hours: Wednesdays 4:00 -5:30 pm and Thursdays 1:00 -2:30 pm  at Vari Hall 1090







1. July 31, 2009

Here is the midterm exam schedule:

Section A:  6:00 pm on August 5 at Ross S137

Section B:  3:00 pm on August 6 at CLH C

Exam will be 1 hour and 45 minutes long. After the exam we will take 15 minutes break and then we will have our regular class 
in the above mentioned room.
Exam will have three parts:
Part A: 25 multiple choice questions (2*25=50 marks)
Part B: 2 out of 3 short questions or 'True/False/Uncertain with explanation' type questions (5*2=10 marks)
Part C: 2 multi-part problem solving questions (20*2 = 40 marks)
Exam will cover materials from Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Appendix to Chapter 10 (pages 325 to329), Chapter 11 of the textbook (3rd ed.). 
Note that Appendix to Chapter 11 (pages 355 to359) of the textbook (3rd ed.) will NOT be covered in the midterm exam.
Exam questions will be similar to the optional assignment questions posted on the course website. As a part of your midterm exam preparation, 
I strongly suggest you to work out Assignment 1, 2 and 3. There could be also 'mathematical derivation' type questions based on the 
mathematical derivations I did on the blackboard during lectures. You should also read the textbook very carefully. In particular, you should make
sure that you understand all of the diagrams and related explanation from the textbook and those of from my lectures.
2. July 31, 2009
There will be no class and office hours on Aug 3 because of Civic Holiday. I will hold my regular office hours on Tuesday. In addition, I will hold
extra office hours at TEL 2046 for the midterm exam according to the following schedule:
August 5 (Wednesday): 3:30 - 5:30 pm
August 6 (Thursday): 12:30 -2:30 pm 


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