Department of Economics, Ryerson University
Fall Term, 2004

Instructor: Sharif Faisal Khan
A625B, Jorgenson Hall
Office Hours: Mondays 11:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m., or by appointment
Course Web Page:





If you are unable to attend the exam review class on Dec 15 (9:00-12:00) at SHE 598, feel free to stop by during the following office hours. My office is at Jorgenson Hall A625B.







   I announced a new grading scheme for this course in the class on Sep 20, 2004. The course grade will  now

   be determined by the following rule:

   maximum { (25% of Term Test 1 + 35% Term Test 2 + 40% Final Exam), 100% Final}

The class schedule will remain as it is now.

Term Test 1 will be on Oct 5 during the class time. The exam will cover Ch 5, Ch 6 and  Ch 7 (up to the end of section 7.4 (page 180) of the text book (10th edition)).

Correction! The exam will Ch 5, Ch 6 and Ch 7 (up to the end of section 7.3 (page 176) of the text book (10th edition)).

Term Test 2 will be held on Nov 9 (Tuesday) during the class time. The exam cover materials from sections 7.4 to 11.1 of the textbook (10th edition). I suggest you to work through Assignment 2 (part 2) to Assignment 4. Good luck!

Ist Exam Review class is scheduled on Dec 6 from 9:00-12:00 at BUS 101. I will cover chapter 15 in first one hour on that day. The rest of time I will allocate for exam review.

2nd Exam Review class is scheduled on Dec 15 from 9:00-12:00 at SHE 598.

Final Exam will be held on Dec 16 from 3:00-6:00 pm at KHE 315. Exam will cover the materials from chapter 5 to chapter 15 of the text book (10th ed.).

Final Exam Format:

    40 Multiple Choice questions                             60 marks (1.5 * 40)

    4 out of 6 "T/F/U Explain" type questions           20 marks

    1 out of 2 Problem Solving questions (4-part)      20 marks

For MCQ part, all chapters (5-15) are more or less equally weighted.

For T/F/U questions you can expect one question from monetary policy, one from fiscal policy, one from the net export effect in the context of either monetary policy or fiscal policy and one from the long-run adjustments of the economy from a situation of demand-pull inflation, cost-push inflation or recession. The rest two of the T/F/U questions can be anywhere from the book. I announced it in today's 2nd Exam Review Class.

Problem solving questions will be of two types - C1 of Assignment # 5 qand problem solving question based on aggregate expenditure model. I posted an example of the latter type on the course webpage. Click on 'lecture Notes for 2nd exam review Class' above.

In today's review class, I gave two hand-outs to the students. One hand-out has the answer to T/F/U questions to assignment 6. The second hand-out has the answer to a numerical problem, which is posted on the web (click on 'lecture notes of 2nd exam review class'). You can collect
these hand-outs from my office door (JOR A625B) .

Good luck with your exam!


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