Financial Assistance

Financial assistance for all full-time graduate students in the Department of Economics may consist of a scholarship (varying amounts) and a two-term teaching assistantship, or a two-term teaching assistantship only. All master's students are eligible for the first year, and doctoral students for the first four years only, of their respective programs.

Queen's University recently established a minimum guarantee of funding for doctoral students. In 2009-2010, the minimum guaranteed level of funding for doctoral students is a total of $18,000. PhD students are required to apply for all external fellowships for which they are eligible in order to qualify for university funding. The Department will review the individual merits of incoming and continuing students, and make recommendations for Queen's Internal Fellowships.

The two-term teaching assistantship consists of a maximum of 10 hours per week, for a total of 120 hours per term, at a current rate of $36.40 per hour. The work may involve teaching tutorials, marking essays or assignments, and holding office hours for students.

All student support is taxable according to federal and provincial tax regulations.

Awards held by students who withdraw voluntarily or who are required to withdraw will be terminated. In the case of some granting bodies, a refund of the monies drawn on the award is mandatory.

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