Advantages of the Ph.D. Program at Queen's

Queen's offers what we believe is the finest graduate program in Economics in Canada, with more than 250 graduates over the years. Our program is rigorous and demanding, but it is also challenging and exciting, and it is noted for being highly collegial and congenial. Our program is held in very high esteem by its graduates, by its current students, and by professional economists in Canada and throughout the world. The program is designed to prepare students for careers in academia and in research-oriented non-academic jobs.

Because most students live near campus, and we provide office space for all graduate students, there is a great deal of interaction among graduate students and faculty members. Excellent doctoral students often learn as much from each other as they do from lectures, and Queen's provides an ideal setting for this sort of learning. Typically, there are two Ph.D. students to an office, and student offices are located in the same areas as faculty offices.

We provide generous funding for students whom we believe will do well in our program. In 2009-10, the minimum funding level for doctoral students in years 1 through 4 of their program is $18,000. This normally includes both a teaching assistantship and a fellowship.

Queen's Ph.D. students have been particularly successful in obtaining employment during the past decade at academic and non-academic institutions in Canada and throughout the world. Initial placements include Toronto, McMaster, Simon Fraser, Victoria, Alberta, Dalhousie, HEC (Montreal), UQAM, Laval, Carleton, Brock, Indiana, Tufts, Hong Kong, and the International Monetary Fund.

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