ECON835 Conference 2011

10.00 am, March 30: 

Patricia Elhatton-Lake: "Powerful Women: Does Exposure Reduce Bias?" by Lori Beaman, Raghabendra Chattopadhyay, Esther Duflo, Rohini Pande and Petia Topalova (2011), MIT Working Paper.

Maxine Cunningham: "Must Conditional Cash Transfer Programs be conditioned to be effective? The impact of conditioning transfers on school enrollment in Mexico" by Alan de Brauw and John Hoddinott (2009), International Food Policy Research Institute.

10.00 am, March 31: 

Veronique Fournier: “When could payments for environmental services benefit the poor?” by D. Zilberman, L. Lipper, and N. McCarthy (2008), Environment and Development Economics, vol. 13, pp. 255–278.

Blair Long: "Differences in digitalization levels: a multivariate analysis studying the global digital divide" by Margarita Billon, Fernando Lera-Lopez and Rocio Marco (2010), Review of World Economics, vol. 146 p. 39-73.

10.00 am, April 6: 

Veronica Meffe: "Aid, Policies and Growth: Revisiting the Evidence," by Burnside and Dollar (2004), World Bank Policy Research Paper 3251.

Gaetan Dormoy
: "Labor Reallocation in Response to Trade Reform" by Naercio Aquino Menezes Filho and Marc-Andreas Muendler (2007), University of San Diego Working Paper 2007-02

10.00 am, April 7: 

Nicole McCallum: "Can good projects succeed in Bad Communities?" by Asim Ijaz Khwaja (2009), Journal of Public Economics, vol. 93(7-8), pp. 899-916.

David Rose
: "Competition in bureaucracy and corruption" by Mikhail Drugov (2010), Journal of Development Economics, vol. 92(2), pp. 107-114

10.00 am,     April 8: 

Sylvia Blom: "Disease and Development: Evidence from Hookworm Eradication in the American South" by Hoyt Bleakley (2007), The Quarterly Journal of Economics, vol. 122 (1), pp. 73-117.

Stephenson Strobel:
"Parasite prevalence and the world-wide distribution of cognitive ability" by Christopher Eppig, Corey L. Fincher and Randy Thornhill (2010), Proceedings of the Royal Society of Biological Sciences.