ECON435 Conference 2011

10.00 am, March 21: 

Ahad Lakhani: "Missing women: age and disease", by Siwan Anderson and Debraj Ray (2010), Review of Economic Studies, vol. 77, pp. 1262–1300

Jing Cheng:
"The economics of lending with joint liability: theory and practice." by Maitreesh Ghatak and Tim Guinnane (1999), Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 60(1), pp. 195-228.

8.30 am, March 23: 

Emily Donaldson: "Does Society Win or Lose as a Result of Privatization? The Case of Water Sector Privatization in Colombia" by Barrera-Osorio, Olivera and Ospino (2009), Economica, vol. 76, pp. 649–674

Odette Melvin:
  "Empowerment and Efficiency: Tenancy Reform in West Bengal," by Banerjee, Gertler and Ghatak (2002), Journal of Political Economy, vol. 110 (2), pp. 239-280.

10.00 am, March 28: 

Jaskiran Sodhi: “A Numerical Simulation Analysis of (Hukou) Labour Mobility Restrictions in China” by John Whalley and Shunming Zhang (2007), Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 83(2), pp. 392-410.

Jack Kent
: "Conflict Diamonds" by Ola Olsson (2007), Journal of Development Economics, vol. 82, pp. 267–286

8.30 am, March 30: 

Joshua Brown: "Aid, Dutch Disease and Manufacturing Growth" by Rajan and Subramanian, Journal of Development Economics, Jan 2011.

Emily Masching:
   "Land and Power: Theory and Evidence from Chile." by Baland, Jean-Marie, and James A. Robinson. 2008. American Economic Review, 98(5): 1737–65.


10.00 am,     April 4: 

Brian Tompkins: "Cyclicality, Mortality and the Value of Time: The Case of Coffee Price Fluctuations and Child Survival in Columbia" by Grant Miller and B. Piedad Urdinola (2010), Journal of Political Economy, vol. 118(1), pp. 113-155.

Melissa Martin
"The Prospects for Foreign Debt Sustainability in Post-Completion Countries: Implications of the HIPC-MDRI Framework" by J.  Nwachukwu (2008), Developmental Policy Review, vol. 26 (2), pp. 171-188.

8.30 am,     April 6: 

Jasmina Munteanu: "Dynamics of Banking Technology Adoption: An Application to Internet Banking" by YT Chang (2003), Working paper University of Warwick.

Kirsten Boomer
: "Community–Industry Contracting over Natural Resource Use in a Context of Weak Property Rights: The Case of Indonesia" by Stefanie Engel, Ramon Lopex, and Charles Palmer (2006), Environmental & Resource Economics vol. 33, pp. 73–93