Basit Zafar, "Can Subjective Expectations Data be Used in Choice Models? Evidence on Cognitive Biases", Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 26, No. 3, 2011, pp. 520-544. The data used in this paper come from two surveys that I administered to a sample of Northwestern undergraduates in late 2006--early 2007, and then in late 2007--early 2008. The full data sets are not public yet, but all the variables that are used in the analysis are provided in the file "data_truncated_bz.txt". The two datasets have already been merged, and analysis is done on only those respondents who appear in both surveys. There are a total of 117 observations, with the unit being the respondent. The file titled "Description_variables_bz.txt" contains the list of the variables and their descriptions. The file titled "" is the do-file (all analysis was done in Stata) which takes in the dataset "data_truncated_bz.txt". The do-file is fairly well-documented and is broken into sections. You should be able to run this file as is, except for the last section which generates the figures. The commands "graph combine", "graph save", and "graph export" require a path be specified to save or read in the graph. The user should modify those appropriately. All files (, data_truncated_bz.txt, and Description_variables_bz.txt) are ASCII files in DOS format. They are zipped in the file Unix/Linux users should use "unzip -a". Basit Zafar basit.zafar [AT]