Chih Ming Tan, "No One True Path: Uncovering The Interplay Between Geography, Institutions, And Fractionalization In Economic Development", Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 25, No. 7, 2010, pp. 1100-1127. The data are provided in two formats, Excel .xls and plain text. The file cmt-data.xls, which is zipped in, contains the data in Excel format. The ASCII file cmt-data.txt, which is zipped in, contains the data in DOS text format. For the second of these (but not the first!), Unix/Linux users should use "unzip -a". There are 147 observations on 74 countries. For most countries, there are two periods; for Egypt, there is only one. The variables are: 1. FROST5: Proportion of a country's land area that experiences more than 5 frost-days per month in winter. 2. ZTROPICS: Percentage of a country's land area that is classified as a tropical eco-zone. 3. LCR100KM: Percentage of a country's land area within 100 km of ice-free coast. Calculated using 100 km from ice-free coast or navigable river buffer (created in ArcView using Plate Caree equidistant projection). 4. EXPROP8497: Risk of Expropriation of Private Investment; annual average calculated over the years ranging 1984-97. This variable evaluates the risk "outright confiscation and forced nationalization" of property. Lower ratings "are given to countries where expropriation of private foreign investment is a likely event." 5. ICRG8497: International Country Risk Guide Index; annual average calculated over the years ranging 1984-97. This is a broad measure of institutional quality which aggregates across five variables measuring (1) the quality of the bureaucracy, (2) corruption in government, (3) rule of law, (4) expropriation risk, and (5) repudiation of contracts by government. Higher values of ICRG8497 correspond to better quality of institutions. 6. ELF60: Index of ethno-linguistic fractionalization, 1960. Measures the probability that two randomly selected people from a given country will not belong to the same ethno-linguistic group. Atlas Narodov Mira (1964). 7. ETHNIC: Measure of ethnic fractionalization from data which combines racial and linguistic characteristics (based on data from the Encyclopedia Britannica (2001) and other sources). 8. LANG: Measure of linguistic fractionalization based on data describing shares of languages spoken as "mother tongues" (based on data from the Encyclopedia Britannica (2001)). 9. RELIG: Measure of religious fractionalization (based on data from the Encyclopedia Britannica (2001)). 10. MGDP0, MGDPT, MDY: MGDP0 and MGDPT are the log of real per capita GDP for the start and end years for each country over two 20-year time intervals, 1960-79 and 1980-99. MDY is the difference between MGDPT and MGDP0. GDP figures used in this paper correspond to RGDPL in PWT 6.1. RGDPL is obtained by adding up consumption, investment, government and exports, and subtracting imports in any given year. The given year components are obtained by extrapolating the 1996 values in international dollars from the Geary aggregation using national growth rates. It is a fixed base index where the reference year is 1996. 11. MNGD: log net depreciation rate (logs of averages taken across each of the two time intervals, 1960-79 and 1980-99). The net depreciation rate refers to the sum of the population growth rate, the rate of depreciation of physical and human capital, and the exogenous rate of technological change. By convention, the sum of the latter two variables is set to 0.05. Data for population growth rates are from PWT 6.1. 12. MINV: log investment share (logs of averages taken across each of the two time intervals, 1960-79 and 1980-99). Data from PWT 6.1. 13 MSCH15: log schooling (logs of averages taken across each of the two time intervals, 1960-79 and 1980-99). The schooling variable corresponds to the "average years of secondary and higher level schooling for males aged 15 and above" calculated using data from Barro and Lee (2000) GUIDE software: The software used in the paper can be found at this URL: