Michael E. Rose, "Small World: Narrow, Wide and Long Replication of Goyal, Van Der Leij and Moraga-Gonzalez (JPE 2006) and a Comparison of Econlit and Scopus", Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 37, No. 4, 2022, pp. 820-828. The entire code and data repository may be found in mr-files.zip. All text files are in DOS format, so Unix/Linux users should use "unzip -a". I am not able to share the pure publication records of EconLit, nor the original files used by the authors nor the pure Scopus records. I provide instructions on how to get these, and what to do with all of them. However, I include the network files in the repository, because I am able to share these. -- The authors show the evolution of the co-author network of Economists -- They study three networks, where each network corresponds to a decade: 1970s, 1980s, 1990s -- Publications originate from the EconLit -- I use Scopus data instead, but look at the same journals, and I also add 2000s and 2010s To replicate: 1. Install packages as defined in [`./requirements.txt`](requirements.txt) 2. Query EconLit to obtain their publication lists since 1970, as described in [`./000_EconLit_data/README.md`](./000_EconLit_data/README.md) 3. Optionally, obtain the network files used by the authors of the original study and place them in folder [`./005_original_pajek/`](./005_original_pajek/) 4. Configure [pybliometrics](https://pybliometrics.readthedocs.io/en/stable/), i.e. obtain API key and assure you have access to their API 5. Execute scripts in ascending order Each folder contains readme files as well, and there is also a file listing the software requirements. Michael E. Rose, PhD / Senior Research Fellow Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition michael-e-ro.se/