Serena Ng, "Testing for Homogeneity in Demand Systems when the Regressors are Non-Stationary", Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 10, No. 2, 1995, pp. 147-163. Serena Ng Dept. of Economics Univ. of Montreal CP 6128 Succ. Centre Ville Montreal Quebec H3C 3J7 The RATS program ng.rat i) reads in the raw data retrieved from CITIBASE (e.g. to read in total consumption, gc, the rats command is DATA(unit=input,org=var) 46:01 91:04 gc ii) generates the prices, budget shares and total expenditure on non-durables plus services iii) stores all the variables in RATS binary format called 'aids.dat'. Variables such as 'gc' are in current dollars, whereas variables ending with 82 such as 'gc82' are in constant 1982 dollars, where gxxx and gxxx82 are NIPA variables as referenced by CITIBASE. Mnemonics for the generated variables are: wfood -- share of food in expenditure on non-durables plus services wcloth-- share of clothing whouse- share of housing wso - share of other services wndo - share of other non-durables For those who do not have RATS, the data used in the analysis are in two ascii files for the period 1947:1 1990:4: price.dat contains data on the 5 prices and real per capita expenditure on non-durables plus services. The order of the variables is: pfood pcloth pso pndo phouse expnd shares.dat contains data on the 5 expenditure shares: wfood wcloth wso wndo whouse The three files ng.rat, shares.dat, and price.dat are contained in the zipped file