Jeffrey A. Mills and Sourushe Zandvakili, "Statistical Inference via Bootstrapping for Measures of Inequality", Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 12, No. 2, 1997, pp. 133-150. There are two data files: states.dat and nlsy.dat, both of which are zipped in the file These files are in DOS format. states.dat contains the data used in section 4 of the paper. It contains annual mean level income for 50 states, DC, and US citizens living outside the US, for 1983 to 1988 (as described in the paper). The data are organized by observation (one row for each state). The variables are ordered as follows (columns 1 to 13): id yb88 ya88 yb87 ya87 yb86 ya86 yb85 ya85 yb84 ya84 yb83 ya83 where id = state id number, yb8* = before tax income for year 8*, ya8* = after tax income for year 8* There is no way to identify which state is which. nlsy.dat contains the data used in sections 5 and 6 of the paper. It contains real annual earnings (1982 dollars) for 4266 individuals for 6 years, 1984-89, taken from the NLSY (as described in the paper). The data are organized by observation. The variables are ordered as follows (columns 1 to 7): ageg y84 y85 y86 y87 y88 y89 where ageg = age grouping of the individual (1 = 19-26, 2 = 27-29, 3 = 30-32) y8* = individual's real annual earnings for year 8*, Example gauss code to read the two data sets from the ascii files is given below. @ load the data @ /* states.dat contains data on per capita income for 50 states */ /* + DC + foreign residents, both pre and post tax numbers */ /* yb8? = before tax income, ya8? = after tax income */ load z[] = states.dat; z = reshape(z,52,13); id = z[.,1]; yb88 = z[.,2]; ya88 = z[.,3]; yb87 = z[.,4]; ya87 = z[.,5]; yb86 = z[.,6]; ya86 = z[.,7]; yb85 = z[.,8]; ya85 = z[.,9]; yb84 = z[.,10]; ya84 = z[.,11]; yb83 = z[.,12]; ya83 = z[.,13]; @ load the data @ /* nlsy.dat contains data on annual income for 4266 households */ /* load z[] = nlsy.dat; z = reshape(z,4266,7); z = sortc(z,1); ageg = z[.,1]; /* ageg = 3 groups for decomposition */ y84 = z[.,2]; y85 = z[.,3]; y86 = z[.,4]; y87 = z[.,5]; y88 = z[.,6]; y89 = z[.,7]; Address inquiries to: Jeff Mills Department of Economics, ML 371 University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH 45221-0371