Winford H. Masanjala and Chris Papageorgiou, "Rough and Lonely Road to Prosperity: A Reexamination of the Sources of Growth in Africa Using Bayesian Model Averaging", Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 23, No. 5, 2008, pp. 671-682. Results in this paper can be replicated using two datasets and three programs that can be found in the file All files are plain ASCII text files in DOS format. Unix users should use "unzip -a". Documentation for programs -------------------------- The programming language R with a BMA function was used. Both the R package and BMA function are publicly available from the world wide web. The program Global-BMA.R produces the "Global" results in Table 2. The program Interaction-BMA.R produces the "Africa" and "Non-Africa" posterior means in Table 2. The program Interaction-data.txt is used to produce the posterior variance for the interacted variables. Documentation for data ---------------------- The two datasets are formatted and ready to be used in R. The datasets used are subsets of the Sala-i-Martin (1997) dataset that is publicly available. In both datasets there are 104 rows (representing 104 countries). Country names are presented in country-names.txt. The names of each variable are clearly marked in the first row of each data file. Definitions of these regressors can be found in the Appendix of the paper. Global-data.txt The Global-data.txt dataset should be used with the Global-BMA.R program. Column 1 is a row identifier (this is how data are formatted in R; do not remove this first column). The actual data starts from column 2. Column 2 is the dependent variable (growth rate) and columns 3-26 are the 24 regressors used. Interaction-data.txt The Interaction-data.txt dataset should be used with the Interaction-BMA.R program. Column 1 is a row identifier (this is how data are formatted in R; do not remove this first column). The actual data starts from column 2. Column 2 is the dependent variable (growth rate); columns 3-27 are the 24 regressors in addition to a sub-Saharan Africa dummy; columns 28-51 are variables interacted with a sub-Saharan Africa dummy. R programs and data ------------------- To produce "Global" results in Table 2 of the published paper: 1a) Global-BMA.R 1b) Global-data.txt To produce "Africa" and "Non-Africa" results in Table 2 of the published paper: 2a) Interaction-BMA.R 2b) Interaction-var-BMA.R 2b) Interaction-data.txt For the country names corresponding to each row see: 3) Country-names.txt Corresponding author contact information ---------------------------------------- Chris Papageorgiou Research Department International Monetary Fund 700 19th Street, NW Washington DC, 20431 U.S.A.