John Maheu and Yong Song, "An Efficient Bayesian Approach to Multiple Structural Change in Multivariate Time Series", Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 33, No. 2, 2018, pp. 251-270. The data files are data1_VAR.csv and data2_oilGDP.csv. These are ASCII files in DOS format, which are zipped in the file Unix/Linux users should use "unzip -a". For the first data set, data1_VAR.csv: From 1959M2 to 2011M2 (625 observations) col1: date col2: unemployment rate col3: Core PCE index(1200 * log difference) col4: Nonfarm employment level (1200 * log difference), col5: retail sales level(1200 * log difference) col6: Housing starts level(100 * log difference) col7: Industrial produce index(1200 * log difference) col8: federal funds rate Source: All data are from FRED. Their Series IDs are: unemployment rate: M0892AUSM156SNBR core PCE: PCEPILFE Housing starts: HOUST nonfarm employment: PAYEMS retail sales: RSXFS industrial production index: INDPRO Federal Funds rate: FEDFUNDS For the second data set, data2_oilGDP.csv: 1974Q2-2015Q2 (165 observations) col1: date col2: oil price col3: real GDP growth data sources: oil price: composite refiner's acquisition cost (data label: EEPRPC) from Citibase real GDP growth rate: (chained, seasonally adjusted) is from Bureau of Economic Analysis.