Kul B. Luintel, "Real Exchange Rate Behaviour: Evidence from Black Markets", Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 15, No. 2, 2000, pp. 161-185. Two sets of data are supplied. The first set consists of the following eight country specific ASCII data files: (1) IND.DAT contains data on CPI and EX for India and USCPI. (2) LNK.DAT contains data on CPI and EX for Sri Lanka and USCPI. (3) MAL.DAT contains data on CPI and EX for Malaysia and USCPI. (4) MNR.DAT contains data on CPI and EX for Myanmar and USCPI. (5) PAK.DAT contains data on CPI and EX for Pakistan and USCPI. (6) PHL.DAT contains data on CPI and EX for the Philippines and USCPI. (7) TAW.DAt contains data on CPI and EX for Taiwan and USCPI. (8) THI.DAT contains data on CPI and EX for Thailand and USCPI. Definitions: CPI = Consumer Price Index EX = Black Market Nominal Exchange Rate, defined as units of domestic currency per US dollar. USCPI = Consumer Price Index of USA. Total Obs: 378 for all countries except Taiwan. For Taiwan 366. Sample: 1958:1-1989:6 for all countries except Taiwan. The sample for Taiwan is 1859:1-1989:6 Variables: In each country file the first column is sample date, the second column is CPI, the third column is EX and the last column is USCPI. Note that the first three letters in variable names indicate country mnemonics (e.g., IND=India as shown above in *.DAT files) and the remaining letters signify the time series in question. Example: INDCPI: CPI for India. INDEX: Nominal Black Market Exchange Rates for India INDREX: Real Exchange Rate for India. TAWCPI: CPI for Taiwan, and so on.... Data Organization: Data series are organised and saved by observations. Data Sources: Black Market Nominal Exchange Rates are obtained from various issues of Pick's Currency Year Book and World Currency Year Book. Monthly CPI series are collected from various issues of International Financial Statistics, IMF, and converted to base year 1990=100. The second set of data is saved in REX.DAT file. Each column of time series is real exchange rate for a specific sample country. Following eight series are saved: (1) INDREX = Real Exchange Rate for India (2) LNKREX = Real Exchange Rate for Sri Lanka (3) MALREX = Real Exchange Rate for Malaysia (4) MNREX = Real Exchange Rate for Myanmar (5) PAKREX = Real Exchange Rate for Pakistan (6) PHLREX = Real Exchange Rate for the Philippines (7) TAWREX = Real Exchange Rate for Taiwan (8) THIREX = Real Exchange Rate for Thailand. Real exchange rate series are calculated using the first data set given above. All real exchange rate series are in natural logarithms. Definition of real exchange rate is: rex = log(EX)-log(CPI)+log(USCPI). Price ratio is also analyzed in the paper which is calculated as a ratio of foreign to domestic price indices (in logs). All nine files, which are in DOS format, are zipped in the file kl-data.zip. Unix users should use "unzip -a" when unzipping them.