Lutz Kilian and Daniel P Murphy, "The Role of Oil Inventories and Speculative Trading in the Global Market for Crude Oil", Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 29. No. 3, 2014, pp. 454-478. The Matlab data files are zipped in the file The ASCII data files, which are in DOS format, are zipped in the file The Matlab program files are zipped in the file Unix/Linux users should use "unzip -a" for and, but not for Data (1973.2-2009.8): kmData.txt/kmData.mat the columns in kmData are, in the following order, percent change in global oil production, real activity index from Kilian(AER 2009), the log real price of oil, and changes in OECD crude oil inventories worldprod.txt/worldprod.mat global world oil production (thousands of barrels per day) Programs: Main.m reads in kmData obtains reduced form coefficients (VARirf.m) rotates through identification matrix, saving admissible draws (IRFsign.m) note: Main.m uses seed 316 with 5 mllion rotations. imposes additional restrictions (supply elasticity, dynamic restrictions) creates figures used in paper and table 2 note: reads in the median elasticity in use, which is created and saved by BayesDraws.m Figure1.m reads in BayesPosterior.mat, which is created in BayesDraws.m note: Figure1.m, Figure2.m, and Figures3to7.m are called by Main.m and create the relevant tables. Each figure can be called independently once the admissible IRFs are obtained. BayesDraws.m reads in kmData draws from posterior (BAYESsign.m) saves medelasuse.mat, which is called by Main.m saves BayesPosterior.mat (read by Figure1.m, which is called by Main.m) note: BayesDraws should be run before Main.m to create Figure 1. computes quantiles of elasticities in use and production Instructions: Run BayesDraws.m to generate the posterior IRFs and the median elasticity in use, which will be used by Figure1.m. Note that it takes a long time/substantial computing power to obtain a sufficient number of draws. Run Main.m to obtain the structural IRF based on the least-squared estimate of the VAR. Main.m will create the figures and tables used in the paper.