Cheng Hsiao, Yan Shen, and Hiroshi Fujiki, "Aggregate vs. Disaggregate Data Analysis -- A Paradox in the Estimation of Money Demand Function of Japan Under the Low Interest Rate Policy", Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 20, No. 5, 2005, pp. 579-601. The data sources are described in detail in the paper. There are two datasets accompanying this paper, one for the aggregate data and the other for the disaggregate data. They are ASCII files in DOS format, called hsf-data-agg.txt and hsf-data-disagg.txt, respectively. These two files are zipped in Unix users should use "unzip -a". The dataset hsf-data-agg.txt contains the aggregate data. Variables and their descriptions: period: year and quarter lnrgdp: natural log of real GDP lnrm2: natural log of real M2 lnrm1: natural log of real M2 bond5: Bond rate 5 years. The dataset hsf-data-disagg.txt contains the disaggregate data. Variables and their descriptions: regions: Prefectures in Japan year: Year deflator: prefecture level price deflator nm2: prefecture level counterpart of M2 ndd: prefecture level counterpart of M1 bond5: bond rate 5 years.