Anson T.Y. Ho, Kim P. Huynh, and David T. Jacho-Chavez, "npRmpi: A Package for Parallel Distributed Kernel Estimation in R", Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 26, No. 2, 2011, pp. 344-349. There are two zip files. The file contains the R code files, which are ASCII files in DOS format. Unix/Linux users should use "unzip -a". The file contains R data files, which are binary files as well as their ASCII counterparts. The "-a" option should *not* be used when unzipping this file. ########## ## Data ## ########## o Files: sim_x1_x2.Rdata Format: R Data Objects Info: x1 takes values {"ubuntu","win"} and x2 takes values {"serial","1","2","3"} They contain all recorded execution times used in the numerical example in the paper in the form of a n1xn2xn3 array called "sim". n1 = 1000 is the number of Monte Carlo replications. n2 = 3 is the time that command 'system.time' generates, where the first two entries are the total user and system CPU times of the current R process and any child processes on which it has waited, and the third entry is the "real" elapsed time since the process was started. n3 = 6 is the six different sample sizes that are considered. o Files: array_x1_x2.txt Format: ASCII file Info: x1 takes values {"ubuntu","win"} and x2 takes values {"serial","1","2","3"} They are the ASCII version of the n1xn2xn3 arrays called "sim" in the "sim_x1_x2.Rdata" files above. Note: No other data are used ############## ## Software ## ############## o Files: sim_x1_x2.R Format: R transcript (source code with comments) Application: Monte Carlo calculations. Info: x1 takes values {"ubuntu","win"} and x2 takes values {"serial","1","2","3"}. The code executes all the Monte Carlo experiments in the paper. o The software packages used to obtain the results were: - R system for statistical computing, version 2.11.1 - np 0.40-2 - npRmpi 0.40-2