Anthony Garratt and Stephen G. Hall, "Measuring Underlying Economic Activity", Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 11, No. 2, 1996, pp. 135-152. The data is in an ASCII file, handg.dat, in REG-X seqential format, although this should be easy to edit for any other ascii input. The data are defined in the file. The REG-X sequential format is an ASCII format, so that it can be easily read or edited. It has the following form: Each variable is a block with the first line defining the number of the variable in the file, the name of the variable, its dates (in the numeric form 5901 for the first quarter of 1959) then a comment defining the series. The file then repeats this format for all the variables. All data are quarterly,seasonally adjusted data for the UK for the period 1959q1-1991q3. the data are COIND :the coincident indicator of economic output derived in the paper LGDP :the natural log of real Gross domestic production LIP :the natural log of real industrial production CBICU :the Confederation of British Industrie(CBI) survey measure of capacity utilisation CBIRM :the CBI survey measure of expected changes in Stocks LRES :the natural log of real retail sales. Below is an example of the format for one variable. 1COIND 0 5901 9103 Derived indicator of underlying GDP 92.17000000 96.20000000 100.2300000 104.8700000 107.6700000 107.2000000 107.7300000 106.9700000 106.3300000 105.3700000 102.0300000 98.20000000 (and so on) In addition, we include the GAUSS program for the Geweke common factor test used in the paper (comf.gss), a test input data set (stock2.dat) in Gauss format, and the output file produced by running the gauss program (factor.out). The Gauss program has many comments. Running it on the stock2.dat file should produce factor.out. This program requires the Gauss libraries optmum.lcg and quantal.lcg. All files are zipped in