J. Fernandez-Villaverde and J. F. Rubio-Ramirez, "Estimating Dynamic Equilibrium Economies: Linear versus Nonlinear Likelihood", Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 20, No. 7, 2005, pp. 891-910. Three data sets are used in this paper: oursimulatedata2007.txt, oursimulatedata50035.txt, and hpourdata.txt. These three ASCII files, which are in DOS format, are zipped in the file fr-data.zip. oursimulatedata2007.txt and oursimulatedata50035.txt are artificial data generated from a nonlinear solution of the model described in section 3.1. (the nonlinear solution was obtained using the Finite Elements Method as decribed in Aruoba, S.B., J. Fernández-Villaverde and J. F. Rubio-Ramírez, 2003). oursimulatedata2007.txt is a 100 periods long sample generated using the benchmark calibration as summarize in table 5.2. oursimulatedata50035.txt is a 100 periods long sample generated using the extreme calibration as summarize just after table 5.2. In both cases, the first column is real output, second column is hours worked, and third column is real gross investment. hpourdata.txt is a sample with 158 observations (from 1964q1 to 2003q2) where the first column is hp filtered real output per capita, the second column is hours worked, and the third column is hp filtered real gross investment per capita, where real gross investment, real output, hours worked, and population are defined as follows: real gross investment = real consumption of durables + real gross fixed investment (NIPA). real output = real consumption of non durables + real gross investment (NIPA). hours worked = average weekly hours of production workers (BLS). population = civilian noninstitutional population (BLS).