Mahmoud A. El-Gamal and Hulusi Inanoglu, "Inefficiency and Heterogeneity in Turkish Banking: 1990-2000", Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 20, No. 5, 2005, pp. 641-664. The data used in this paper are provided in two files: data for conventional banks are in the file conven.txt, and data for Islamic banks (special finance houses) are in the file islamic.txt. Both files are zipped in the file The dataset for conventional banks is an unbalanced panel of 526 timeseries observations for 49 conventional banks. The dataset for Islamic banks is an unbalanced panel of 43 timeseries observations for 4 Islamic banks. Both datasets are stacked sets of time series, i.e. the first 11 observations are a timeseries for the first bank and so on. Missing values are denoted by a period (.). The data are in plain ASCII text files in DOS format. Data are organized in columns separated by tabs. The variables in both files are identically labeled except that Islamic.txt does not have the TS variable. Each file contains the variables in the following order: i t P1 P2 P3 y C EE NE FAE FA TIE BF D ND NPL EC q r TA TS Where i = bank i.d. (1 to 53) t = years (1 to 11) P1 = Price of Labor P2 = Price of Borrowed Funds P3 = Price of Physical Capital y = Output: Total Loans C = Total Cost EE = Employee Expenses NE = Number of Employees FAE = Fixed Assets Expenses FA = Fixed Assets TIE = Total Interest Expenses (Interest on deposits and non-deposit funds + Other interest expenses) BF = Borrowed Funds (Deposits + Non-Deposit Funds) D = Deposits ND = Non-Deposits NPL = Non Performing Loans EC = Equity Capital q = Quality Index r = Risk Index TA = Total Assets TS = Total Securities (only for conventional banks) Original data were expressed in nominal Turkish Liras. We converted the data to real terms using the Turkish Consumer Price Index (CPI), with 1995 as the base year. We then converted all of the variables to real 1995 USD using the real exchange rate for 1995, which is the base year for Turkish and U.S. CPIs. Please note that the paper uses logarithmic values in the estimation. Mahmoud A. El-Gamal elgamal [AT] Hulusi Inanoglu Hulusi.Inanoglu [AT]