Rochelle Edge, Michael Kiley, and Jean-Philippe Laforte, "A Comparison of Forecast Performance Between Federal Reserve Staff Forecasts", Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 25, No. 4, 2010, pp. 720-754. All the data files are ASCII files in DOS format. They are zipped in the file Unix/Linux users should use "unzip -a". The Greenbook forecast observations are provided until the December 2002 FOMC meeting in accordance with the paper's results and the information restrictions surrounding the Greenbook and FOMC material. After this date, only the real-time observations of the data are provided. The data are described in section 3 of the paper. The data are stored in distinct files according to the FOMC meeting they belong to and their type. There are 272 separate files. The string structure of the file names is the following: ekl[month][year][dataclass].txt where month = three first letters of the round's month (for example: January => jan) year = last two elements of the year number (for example: 2003 => 03) dataclass => There are four different classification of the data: 'gdp','nipacbi', 'nipakb' and 'nonnipa', all refering to different series. 'gdp' files: XGDP.PC: Nominal GDP (per capita) XGDP.CW.PC: Real GDP (per capita) PXGDP: Real GDP deflator 'nipacbi' files: ECNN.PC: Nominal Non-durables and Services Consumption EXCLUDING Nonfarm Owner- and Tenant-occupied Housing Services (per capita) ECNN.CW.PC: Real Non-durables and Services Consumption EXCLUDING Nonfarm Owner- and Tenant-occupied Housing Services (per capita) PECNN: Deflator associated with ECNN.CW.PC EH.PC: Nominal Gross Private Fixed Investment in Residential (per capita) EH.CW.PC: Real Gross Private Fixed Investment in Residential (per capita) PEH: Deflator associated with EH.CW.PC 'nipakb' files: EP.PC: Nominal non-residential investment expenditure (per capita) EP.CW.PC Real non-residential investment expenditure (per capita) PEP: Deflator associated with ECD.CW.PC ECD.PC Nominal PCE durables (per capita) ECD.CW.PC Real PCE durables (per capita) PECD: Deflator associated with EP.CW.PC 'nonnipa' files: LHNFB.PC: Hours of all persons in the Non-farm Business Sector (per capita) PLHNFB: Compensation per hour of all persons in the Non-farm Business Sector RFF: Federal Funds rate RG10: The yield on the ten-year U.S. Treasury Note