Christopher L. Colvin and Matthew McCracken, "Work Ethic, Social Ethic, No Ethic: Measuring the Economic Values of Modern Christians", Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 32, No. 5, 2017, pp. 1043-1053. REPLICATION Note that our study is partly a replication of the following article: Benito Arruņada, "Protestants and Catholics: Similar Work Ethic, Different Social Ethic", Economic Journal, Vol. 120, No. 547, 2010, pp. 890-918. DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-0297.2009.02325.x SURVEY DATA The data used in our study are from the International Social Survey Programme's Religion II and Religion III surveys, conducted in 1998 and 2008. These datasets are made available by the GESIS Data Archive for the Social Sciences based at the Leibniz-Institut für Socialwissenschaften. Bibliographical references to these datasets are as follows: International Social Survey Programme Research Group, "International Social Survey Programme: Religion II - ISSP 1998", GESIS Data Archive, 2000. DOI: 10.4232/1.3190 International Social Survey Programme Research Group, "International Social Survey Programme: Religion III - ISSP 2008", GESIS Data Archive, 2012. DOI: 10.4232/1.11334 The website of the ISSP acts as a portal through which all ISSP datasets can be accessed conveniently ( Detailed codebooks specifying each survey question in all native languages, in addition to descriptions of the survey methodology used for all countries surveyed, are also available there. GESIS provides the Religion II and III datasets in either Stata or SPSS formats. We provide these data converted from Stata into tab-delimited CSV format, described as follows: ISSP1998.csv is the full ISSP 1998 Religion II dataset. ISSP2008.csv is the full ISSP 2008 Religion III dataset. VARIABLE DEFINITIONS AND REGRESSION ANALYSIS The variables used in our study are defined precisely in Table S1 of the article's online supplementary materials. The list of countries and religious denominations used are in the main text of the article (see nn. 9, 10, 11 and 12). The regression analysis was performed on an Apple Mac using Stata version 11.2. Our variables can be defined and analysis replicated by following the steps outlined in a series of Stata do files, described as follows: -- defines the variables and replicates the analysis for the strict Calvinist definition of Protestantism using the ISSP 1998 dataset. -- defines the variables and replicates the analysis for the broad definition of Protestantism using the ISSP 1998 dataset. -- defines the variables and replicates the analysis for the strict Calvinist definition of Protestantism using the ISSP 2008 dataset. -- defines the variables and replicates the analysis for the broad definition of Protestantism using the ISSP 2008 dataset. The four DO files and two CSV files are all ASCII files in DOS format. They are zipped in the file Unix/Linux users should use "unzip -a". CONTACT DETAILS Please address any questions regarding the replication of our study to: Chris Colvin Queen's University Belfast chris.colvin [AT]