Todd E. Clark and Michael W. McCracken, "Tests of Equal Forecast Accuracy for Overlapping Models," Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 29. No. 3, 2014, pp. 415-430. This file details the (1) data and (2) RATS program files used to produce the application results in the paper's Table 4. The programs can be run in whatever directory this file has been unzipped (the data files will be in the same directory, which is what the provided programs require). Contact information: todd.clark [AT], (216)579-2015. ********** DATA FILES: ********** The following contains the time series of data used in the article (all at the quarterly frequency), with rows corresponding to dates and columns to variables. The first column in each file provides the dates of the observation. The first row lists the variables. file #obs #var table4data.txt 207 3 For those who may it find it more convenient, the archive includes a corresponding Excel spreadsheet (same file names but with extensions of .xls instead of .prn) with the same contents and layout. The RATs programs call the data from the Excel files. The text file, which is an ASCII file in DOS format, is zipped in the file Unix/Linux users should use "unzip -a". The XLS file is zipped in the file ************* PROGRAM FILES: ************* table4.prg RATS program to read in the data, set up the models, and compute the forecasts, test statistics, and critical values given in Table 4. The program uses the function files listed below for some of the computations. fcasterr2.src RATS function for generating (forecasts and) forecast errors, squared forecast errors msetfcn.src RATS function for computing the difference in MSEs, t-test for equal MSE, and Sdd statistic pctiles1s.src RATS function for computing bootstrap percentiles, 1-sided case pctiles2s.src RATS function for computing bootstrap percentiles, 2-sided case All program files, which are ASCII files in DOS format, are zipped in the file Unix/Linux users should use "unzip -a".