Andrew Chesher, "Individual Demands from Household Aggregates: Time and Age Variation in the Composition of Diet," Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 13, No. 5, 1998, pp. 505-524. The data used in this paper are the property of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (UK) who do not permit open access, hence the data cannot be lodged here. The data are held at the ESRC (UK) Data Archive (, to whom enquiries concerning access should be addressed. Information concerning the Archive holding can be obtained using the "BIRON" search engine ( The study title under which the data are held is "National Food Suvrvey". Each year of data has a different study number. At the time of writing the latest year held is 1995, which has study number 3686. The cohort analysis in the paper is based on data for 1975-94. The analysis in Section 2 also uses data from 1974. Household food responses are held in month and year specific files named f2yyyymm where "yyyy" and "mm" denote year and month. The food amounts and identifying codes are held in variables named "hcq", "hfq" and "minfd". Details of the food codes (e.g. units of measurement) are held in a file named "minfd". Nutrient conversion factors (which change across years and seasons) are held in files named "nutcntsl" and "nutcntyr". Details concering nutrients (e.g. units of measurement) are held in a file named "nutrient". Household and person details are held in year and month specific files named "h1yyyymm" and "p1yyyymm" respectively. A few households in which one or more members have missing ages were deleted prior to the analysis. Andrew Chesher