Steven B. Caudill, Jon M. Ford, and David L. Kaserman, "Certificate-of-Need Regulation and the Diffusion of New Innovations: A Random Coefficient Model", Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 10, No. 1, 1995, pp. 73-78. The dataset for this paper is a state-level cross section of yearly time series observations. The cross section includes observations on the fifty states of the United States of America. The time series includes observations on years from 1977 to 1990. This dataset is in file data.cfk, which is an ASCII (text) file. The first variable is STATE located in columns 1-3. The second variable is T located in columns 4-7. The third variable is TCON located in columns 8-11. The last variable is ln[Pit/(Li-Pit)] located in columns 12-20. The dataset is arranged from 1977 (T=1) to 1990 (T=14) for Alabama (STATE=1), T=1 to 14, for Alaska (STATE=2), and then for the rest of the states in alphabetical order.