Carlo Andrea Bollino, Federico Perali and Nicola Rossi, "Linear Household Technologies," Journal of Applied Econometrics, forthcoming. This file contains some additional information about the data used in this paper. See the readme file. These data are based on published data from the Italian Central Statistical Office (ISTAT). The individual unit is the cell defined in terms of family size and income decile aggragating individual observations of the surveys undertaken during the period 1973-1992. Expenditure surveys were undertaken by ISTAT in 1968 and carried out regularly in subsequent years. However, in 1973, the methodology of the survey went through a series of major revisions. Therefore, results refer only to the homogeneous series of surveys starting in 1973 and used in this paper. The survey covers all private consumers' expenditures including "self consumption" of agricultural products, imputed rents and consumer goods received as wage. However, it does not cover purchases of houses or land as well as expenditures related to production. As far as consumer durables are concerned, expenditures are recorded at the time of purchases. Hence, for example, payments by installments are not accounted for. The survey's central unit is the household defined as set of persons living together characterized by the common use of their incomes. The household, as defined in the surveys, includes servant and nurses. The methodology of the survey can be briefly described as follows. In a first stage, 700 towns and cities are selected and divided into two groups: group 1 includes capitals of province and towns with at least 50,000 inhabitants, group 2 includes the rest. A predetermined number of households in towns in group 1 are surveyed each month of the year while towns in group 2 are divided in three further subgroups and each subgroup participates the survery in the first, second or third month of each quarter of the year. Summarizing, each month approximately 320 towns are surveyed: 140 of them belonging to group 1 above and 180 to group 2. In a second stage 3,000 households per month are randomly selected from the registrar's offices of the selected towns, thus giving a total of 36,000 households surveyed in the year. The rate of participation in the survey has been approximately estimated around 85%. The initial results are then related to the population by ISTAT. Empirical estimates are based on a data set extracted from the ISTAT annual household survey, for the period 1973-1992. Budget expenditures are grouped by expenditure classes and family size for a total of 1,815 observations; exclusion of non reporting and/or meaningless cells reduces the sample size to 1,729. It is relevant to emphasize that household size is the only demographic variable available from published data. This informational limitation does not allow us to fully account for systematic heterogeneity in preferences. Furthermore, it must be noted that model adequacy can be significantly affected by the high level of data aggregation in terms of aggregation both across households due to the fact that the published data are in cell means and across goods. The price vector has been derived from the corresponding consumption breakdown available from NIA. In order to limit the computational complexity, only three categories have been analyzed: "food," "housing and fuels," "miscellaneous." The "miscellaneous" item includes clothing, health care, transportation, communications and all other goods and services. Here is the data section of the TSP program used to aggregate the data: READ (FILE='cab.WK1') ANNO INC FAM PCT X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 X9 X10 PP1 PP2 PP3 PP4 PP5 PP6 PP7 PP8 PP9 PP10 CC1 CC2 CC3 CC4 CC5 CC6 CC7 CC8 CC9 CC10; ? ------------------ GENERAZIONE DATI ---------------------------- SMPL 1 1815 ; GENR WGT= 1 ; GENR XT = X1+X2+X3+X4+X5+X6+X7+X8+X9+X10 ; ? SMPL 1 1815 ; ? 1 FOOD GENR W1 = X1 / XT ; ? 2 HOUSING AND FUELS GENR W2 =(X4+X5+X6+X8) / XT ; ? 3 MISCELLANEOUS GENR W3 =(X2+X3+X7+X9+X10) / XT ; ? ? ---------------- CONTROL ? GENR WRES = 1-W1-W2-W3 ; ? PRINT WRES ; ? Legend: Anno= year INC=income FAM= household size PCT= cell weight X1-X10=expenditures PP1-PP10= prices