Torben G. Andersen, Tim Bollerslev, Per Frederiksen, and Morten Ø. Nielsen, "Continuous-Time Models, Realized Volatilities, and Testable Distributional Implications for Daily Stock Returns", Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 25, No. 2, 2010, pp. 233-261. The high-frequency data used in this paper to derive the realized quantities and standardized returns are from the TAQ database, which is not open access. Hence the TAQ data cannot be lodged here. However, these data are available through WRDS from the Wharton School. For more information, please see The standardized daily returns for each of the 30 DJIA stocks are available here in five comma-separated ASCII files. These standardized returns were constructed as described in detail in the paper, especially sections 3 and 4. The five files are z_rv.csv: daily returns standardized by realized volatility z_cv.csv: daily returns standardized by the continuous component of realized volatility using the simple jump-detection method z_cvs.csv: daily returns standardized by the continuous component of realized volatility using the sequential jump-detection method z_fin1.csv: "daily" jump-adjusted financial-time standardized returns z_fin5.csv: "weekly" jump-adjusted financial-time standardized returns In each file, there are 30 columns (separated by commas) corresponding to the 30 DJIA stocks. The columns are in the same order as the stocks in Table A1 in the supplementary Appendix. All five files (which are in DOS format) are zipped in the file Unix users should use "unzip -a". This directory also includes a supplementary appendix, ABFN_080822_appendix.pdf.