Carlo Altavilla and Domenico Giannone, "The Effectiveness of Non-Standard Monetary Policy Measures: Evidence from Survey Data", Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 32, No. 5, 2017, pp. 952-964. There are two sets of data files, which contain the same information. The spreadsheets (.xls and .xlsx) are zipped in, and the ASCII text files (in CSV format) are zipped in Unix/Linux users should use "unzip -a" when unzipping Treasury_Corporate_yield: Contains the following variables: -- Date: date of reference for yields -- AAA Corporate Bond Yields -- BAA Corporate Bond Yields -- 10-year Treasury Bond Rate Files that begin with Individual_ : These files give the breakdown of individual forecasts of the forecasters involved in the Survey of Professional Forecasters. Sheets and variable of reference (X): BAABOND - BAA corporate bond yields BOND - AAA corporate bond yields CPI - Consumer Price Index PGDP - Price Index for Gross National Product RGDP - Real Gross Domestic Product TBILL - 3-Month Treasury Bill Rate TBOND - 10-Year Treasury Bond Rate UNEMP - Unemployment rate How to read sheet "Individual_X" Variables: -- YEAR: Year of reference for the forecast -- QUARTER: Quarter of reference for the forecast -- ID: Identifies different surveyed forecasters -- INDUSTRY: Industry the forecaster belongs to. Here "1" indicates the forecaster works in a firm classified as "financial services", "2" indicates the worker works in a firm classified as "non-financial services" and "3" indicates that the forecaster works in an "unknown" industry. -- X# (where X is as the latter part of the name of the sheet): This is the #-quarter ahead forecast for variable X (e.g. RGDP3 indicates the 3-quarter ahead forecast for Real GDP) -- XA (where X is as the name of the sheet): This is the annual average of variable X in the current year. Similarly for X followed by other letters, these indicate the annual avarage of the year indicated by the horizon (mapping from the alphabet to the integers, i.e. A-0 (present), B-1 (next year), C-2 (two years from now), etc.) Note: there are many #N/A indicating that that entry is missing (i.e. not available). SPF_deadline: Sheet identifies the SPF forecasters' deadline to submit their forecasts. Variables: -- Year of Reference: Year of reference for the forecast -- Quarter of Reference: Quarter of reference for the forecast -- Deadline: Deadline for forecasters' submissions -- Deadline (excel date): Deadline for forecasters' submission using excel dating convention Google: The sheet shows the count of google trends (normalized) for certain words. -- First Column: this column indicates the dates (with a weekly frequency) of when the Google Trends count refers to -- "quantitative easing", "operation twist", "forward guidance", "tapering". These columns indicate the Google Trends count of Internet search queries for these variables from the United States from January 2009 to March 2015. Data are scaled to the maximum search traffic for the specific array of terms (represented as 100) during the period from January 2009 to March 2015 in the United States. -- the other variables are "QE1", "QE2", "QE3" as well as "OT" (=operation twist), "FG" (=forward guidance), "TAP" (=tapering) .These are dummy variables indicating when these events occurred. -- Note: there are many 0's because for many of these weeks there were few or no such searches (in the case of the first three variable) or the events in question were not occurring in that period (for the dummy variables)