Nathan Canen and Kyungchul Song, "Counterfactual Analysis under Partial Identification Using Locally Robust Refinement", Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 36, No. 4, 2021, pp. 416-436. Thank you for your interest in our work. The replication material is composed of two separate folders: one for replicating our Monte Carlo simulations (Sections 4.2-4.3) and the other containing the materials to replicate the Empirical Application (Section 5). We describe each subfolder in turn in detail. All files are zipped in the file readme.cs.txt. ASCII (text) files are in DOS format, but .mat files are binary. Monte Carlo Simulations: -- The main file for replicating Section 4.2 is "maincode_sims.m". To replicate the different specifications in the paper, set the value of "Specification" in line 9 to either 1 or 2. Then, run the code within the same folder as the other files. The results will be output in your screen after they are done and will be automatically saved to the same folder. We recommend running the code making use of the parallelization. -- The maincode_sims.m file will call three other files: -- "find_crit_LF_20Dec2020.m", which finds the critical value based on the Least Favorable configuration; -- "find_crit_RSW_20Dec2020.m", which finds the critical value based on the Romano, Shaikh and Wolf (RSW) based correction; -- "find_kalpha_20Dec2020.m" which finds the value of kappa_{\alpha_1} used in the RSW correction. -- To replicate the results in Section 4.3, you simply need to run "stability_simulations.m". -- To choose the specification for Figure 2, please set the variable Specification1 in line 12 to 1 (if Specification 1 is desired), and to another value if Specification 2 is desired. The results in Figure 2, including those in the Notes, will be output automatically (see lines 71-91). -- To choose the specification for Figure 3, set the value for "pi" in line 94 accordingly. The results in Figure 3 are automatically output by lines 122-133. The results for Figure 3 rely on a computation of the identified set. This is already saved in the folder as "StabilityExercise2_sets.mat". It can be replicated by running the file "find_idset.m", although that is not necessary. Empirical Application: -- The main file to replicate the results in Section 5 is "FinalEmpirical.m". To run the different specifications in the paper, set the desired amount of top coding in line 13 to either 0.05 or 0.1. Then, run the code within the same folder as the other files. -- The FinalEmpirical.m file will call the four other files: -- "empirical_CPS_20Dec2020_short.m", the dataset for the empirical application. -- "find_crit_LF_20Dec2020.m", which finds the critical value based on the Least Favorable configuration; -- "find_crit_RSW_20Dec2020.m", which finds the critical value based on the Romano, Shaikh and Wolf (RSW) based correction; -- "find_kalpha_20Dec2020.m" which finds the value of kappa_{\alpha_1} used in the RSW correction. -- The dataset is drawn from the 2000 Annual Demographic Supplement of the Current Population Survey (CPS). Further information about the data is described in the paper and in its supplementary material. We use the data formatted by the Integrated Public Use Microdata Series (IPUMS). If you choose to use the same data, please cite them accordingly: Sarah Flood, Miriam King, Renae Rodgers, Steven Ruggles and J. Robert Warren. Integrated Public Use Microdata Series, Current Population Survey: Version 8.0 [dataset]. Minneapolis, MN: IPUMS, 2020. See for further details -- Within this folder, we include two other subfolders which are not necessary for replication, but could be helpful to other researchers. -- "Code that Cleans Raw Data" includes two files: a raw dataset from the IPUMS website, and our .do file code which transforms it into the dataset used in the exercise. -- "Table 2 Results (Output)": provides the saved output from running the codes following the instructions above. This could be useful because it might be time consuming to run the full code. To see the results in the format of Table 2, please load the appropriate dataset and then run lines 267 - 288 of FinalEmpirical.m. This will output the results in Table 2 on your Matlab screen. Nathan Canen, University of Houston Kyungchul Song, University of British Columbia