Lukas Laffers and Bernhard Schmidpeter, "Early Child Development and Parents' Labor Supply", Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 36, No. 2, 2021, pp. 190-208. Accessing the LSAC Data: Under the Deed of License we are not permitted to give copies of the dataset to unauthorised persons. Interested researchers can visit the websites and which provide details about the application process. In particular, interested researchers need to register first with the ADA Dataverse and complete the order form and Deed of License. Upon succesful application access to the data will be granted. All researchers working at either universities or private research institutions can potentially gain access to the data. The zip file contains two files, both of which are ASCII files in DOS format: - A do-file which cleans the LSAC data and creates the unrestricted sample - selectIV_rw.m: The code for estimating treatment effects under endogeneity and sample selection discussed in the paper