David I. Harvey, Stephen J. Leybourne, Robert Sollis and A. M. Robert Taylor, "Real-Time Detection of Regimes of Predictability in the U.S. Equity Premium", Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 36, No. 1, 2020, pp. 45-70. There are two zip files, PR-data.zip and PR-code.zip. The files within them are ASCII files in DOS format. Unix/Linux users should use "unzip -a". Data folder: PR-data.zip File 1: mfvdata.csv Column order: (1) MATLAB date numbers (2) equity premium (3)-(12) macroeconomic and financial variables in the order given in Table 1 (13) NBER indicator. File 2: taidata.csv Column order: (1) MATLAB date numbers (2) equity premium (3)-(12) technical analysis indicators in the order given in Table 1 (13) NBER indicator. File 3: voldata.csv Column order: (1) S&P Composite Index volume. Sources: all variables in mfvdata.csv and taidata.csv were constructed from an extended version of the dataset used by Welch and Goyal (2008). "A Comprehensive Look at The Empirical Performance of Equity Premium Prediction", Review of Financial Studies, 21, 1455-1508, downloaded from www.hec.unil.ch/agoyal/ (except for the on-balance volume indicators, which also used the volume data in voldata.csv downloaded from https://www.google.co.uk/finance, and the NBER indicator, which we downloaded from https://fred.stlouisfed.org/). Code folder: PR-code.zip Subfolder: PRmain Contents: scripts to generate Tables 1-2 and Figures 1-8. Subfolder: PRappendix Contents: scripts to generate Tables S2-S7 and Figures S1-S13. Subfolder: PRfunctions Contents: functions used by the scripts in PRmain and PRappendix. Subfolder: PRconstruct Contents: scripts and functions to construct mfvdata.csv and taidata.csv. Please note: the PRdata folder and PRfunctions subfolder are already added to the search path for all of the scripts in PRmain and PRappendix whenever they are needed, assuming that PRdata and PRcode are both on the C: drive.