Mette Ejrnæs and Thomas H. Jørgensen, "Family Planning in a Life Cycle Model with Income Risk", Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 35, No. 5, 2020, pp. 567-586. All files are zipped in Because this file contains a mix of text and binary files, Unix and Linux users should be cautious. Simply using "unzip -a" is likely to destroy the binary files. The STATA folder contains all the do-files used to construct the empirical measures from the BHSP. All BHPS data can be downloaded free of charge at The following Matlab files (in folder programs) produce the structural estimation results reported in the paper. All results are stored in the "Results" folder. main.m: main file. Running this file will run estimation for both educational groups and run the post-estimation files to produce the output. run_estimate.m: estimation file. You can run this file by it's own. run_post_estimation.m: post-estimation production of tables and figures. Loads the estimation results from the run_estimate.m file run_calibration_figs.m: produces calibration figures. Loads the estimation results from the run_estimate.m file est.m: static estimation class used to call all functions to estimate the model prep.m: static class that prepares state space and parameters before estimation. Called from est.setup The following files and folders are used by these Matlab files: mex_solve.mexw64: C++ compiled file solving the model mex_simulate.mexw64: C++ compiled file simulating synthetic data from the model cfuncs: folder containing all C++ mex-files used to compile mex_solve and mex_simulate. MatlabData: containts all BHPS data used in estimation in .txt format logs: contains estimation logs from estimation of the model.