Marcin Blazejowski, Pawel Kufel, and Jacek Kwiatkowski, "Model Simplification and Variable Selection: A Replication of the UK Inflation Model by Hendry (2001)", Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vo. 35, No. 5, 2020, pp. 645-652. 1. General information Original series are freely available in the Journal of Applied Econometrics Data Archive at We combined three ASCII files provided by David F. Hendry into one file with both original series and dummy variables used in our replication analysis. All files are in ASCII standard (DOS format) and stored in the archive Data, gretl BACE package and replication code are organized in the following directories: dataset: UK_Inflation_1875-1991.csv - plain ASCII file in CSV format with variables organized in columns UK_Inflation_1875-1991.dat - OxMetrics ASCII file UK_Inflation_1875-1991.gdt - gretl native data format (ASCII XML file) lib: BACE.gfn - BACE package for gretl (ASCII XML file) library.inp - ASCII file with basic function definition for replication in a narrow sense (included by full_gretl_replication.inp) results: autometrics.out -- Autometrics replication in a narrow sense gretl.out -- gretl replication in a narrow sense together with BACE results for 'GUMFinal' and 'GUMId' gretl_BACE_GUM52.out -- BACE results for 'GUM52' gretl_BACE_GUM52-MPI.out -- BACE results for 'GUM52' obtained in parallel computation via MPI on 20 CPUs (not reported in paper) 2. Data definitions (in LaTeX like notation) Y - real GDP, £ million, 1985 prices P - implicit deflator of GDP (1985=1) M - nominal broad money, £ million R_s - three-month treasury bill rate, fraction p.a. R_l - long term bond interest rate, fraction p.a. R_n - opportunity-cost of money measure N - nominal National Debt, £ million U - unemployment Wpop - working population U_r - unemployment rate, fraction L - employment K - Gross capital stock W - wages H - normal hours (from 1920) P_e - world prices, (1985=1) E - annual-average effective exchange rate P_nni - deflator of net national income, (1985=1) P_cpi - consumer price index, (1985=1) P_o$ - commodity price index, $ m^d - money excess demand y^d - GDP excess demand s_t - short--long spread n^d - excess demand for debt e_r - real exchange rate pi^* - profit markup U^d - excess demand for labour p_o - commodity prices in Sterling Ixxxx - dummy variable with 1 for any year xxxx Iwar - dummy variable for wars and their after-effects with 1 in years: 1900-1901, 1914-1922, 1939-1946 Ioil - dummy variable for breakdown of Bretton Woods and two oil crises with 1 in years: 1970-1971, 1973-1975, 1979-1980 I1 - dummy variable for years < 1945 I2 - dummy variable for years > 1945 Ib - dummy variable for very big outliers with 1 in years: 1915, 1917, 1919 and -1 in years: 1921-1922 Il - dummy variable for large outliers with 1 in years: 1916, 1918, 1920, 1975 and -1 in years: 1943, 1945, 1973 Im - dummy variable for medium outliers with 1 in years: 1880, 1900, 1939-1940, 1970-1971, 1980 and -1 in years: 1881, 1942, 1944 3. Parameter files autometrics.fl -- OxMetrics batch file with definition of variables transformations and autometrics analysis at 1% significance full_gretl_replication.inp -- gretl script with definition of variables transformations along with code for replication in a narrow sense and BACE bace_options.inp -- gretl script with parameters for BACE analysis: y_lags = 1 # we have d_p(-1) with_const = 2 # intercept can be dropped model_prior = 1 # binomial distribution prior_avg_model_size = {formula} # this formula makes all possible specifications equally probable (uniform model prior) alpha = 0.6 # significance level for the initial model top_ranked_model = 10 # we print detailed info for 10 best models joint = 0 # jointness analysis disabled forecasts = 0 Nrep = 1000000 # total number of MC3 iterations PercentOfburnin = 25 # percentage of burn-in draws MPI_threads = 1 # we use just 1 CPU verbosity = 2 # we are verbose progress = 0 # we don't print progress (it's not costless) memory = 3 # we assume machine has >= 10 GB RAM; if machine has less than 10 GB RAM, memory should be set to 2 or 1 4. Execution In order to replicate Autometrics results just type in system's console 'oxmetrics autometrics.fl' in UNIX-like systems or 'oxmetrics.exe autometrics.fl' in MS Windows. Results will be stored in file 'autometrics.out'. In order to replicate the whole gretl analysis, i.e. replication in a narrow sense and BACE^* in three variants, just type in system's console 'gretlcli -e -b full_gretl_replication.inp > full_gretl_results.out' in UNIX-like systems or 'gretlcli.exe -e -b full_gretl_replication.inp > full_gretl_results.out'. Results will be stored in file 'full_gretl_results.out'. ^* Note, that default value for MPI_threads is 1, which means that BACE analysis will be executed on 1 CPU. Running BACE package in parallel through Message Passing Interface (MPI) reguires installation of related libraries in your operating system (see 'Gretl + MPI' manual available at Marcin Błażejowski, Paweł Kufel, Jacek Kwiatkowski email: marcin.blazejowski [AT]