Laura Coroneo and Fabrizio Iacone, "Comparing Predictive Accuracy in Small Samples Using Fixed-Smoothing Asymptotics", Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 35, No. 4, 2020, pp. 391-409. There are 1 Matlab function and 6 data files (4 for the application with the US Survey of Professional Forecasters and 2 for the application with the ECB Survey of Professional Forecasters). All files are ASCII files in DOS format. They are zipped in the file Unix/Linux users should use "unzip -a". --------------------------------------------------- MATLAB function --------------------------------------------------- The Matlab function "dm_fsa.m" performs the tests for equal predictive accuracy using fixed-smoothing asymptotics. INPUTS: - d loss differential (T x 1) - wceband bandwidth for Weighted Covariance Estimate (default = T^(1/2)) - wpeband bandwidth for Weighted Periodogram Estimate (default = T^(1/3)) - tsize level of significance of the two-sided test (5% (default) or 10%) OUTPUTS: - test 2x1 array with test statistic values: 1) Test statistic with Weighted Covariance Estimate and Bartlett kernel 2) Test statistic with Weighted Periodogram Estimate and Daniell kernel - reject 2x1 array (0 = null of equal predictive accuracynot rejected; 1 = null equal predictive accuracy rejected) for the: 1) Fixed-b test 2) Fixed-m test --------------------------------------------------- Data for the US Survey of Professional Forecasters --------------------------------------------------- The files "RGDP_US.csv", "PGDP_US.csv", "UNEMP_US.csv" and "TBILL_US.csv" contain the data for the SPF application for real output growth, inflation, the unemployment rate and the three-month Treasury bill, respectively. The data source is the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, The original data file names are: - Data_SPF_Error_Statistics_RGDP_3_AIC; - Data_SPF_Error_Statistics_PGDP_3_AIC; - Data_SPF_Error_Statistics_UNEMP_1_AIC; - Data_SPF_Error_Statistics_TBILL_1_AIC. Each data file organized in eleven columns: time, SPF made in the current quarter, SPF made 1 quarter ahead,... SPF made 4 quarters ahead, random walk forecast made in the current quarter, random walk forecast made 1 quarter ahead, ... random walk forecast made 4 quarters ahead, realised value. Sample: 1987.q1 to 2016.q4. --------------------------------------------------- Data for the ECB Survey of Professional Forecasters --------------------------------------------------- The files "RGDP_EU.csv" and "HICP_EU.csv" contain the data for the ECB SPF application for GDP growth and HICP inflation. The data source is the European Central Bank website. ECB SPF forecasts are downloaded from: - for real GDP growth; - for inflation. Real time European data are downloaded from, the data file names are: - RTD.Q.S0.S.G_GDPM_TO_C.E for real GDP - RTD.M.S0.N.P_C_OV.A for inflation. Each data file is organized in eight columns: time, ECB SPF made 1 year ahead, ECB SPF made 2 years ahead, ECB SPF made 4 years ahead, random walk forecast made 1 year ahead, random walk forecast made 2 years ahead, random walk forecast made 5 years ahead, realised value. The random walk forecasts and the real time real GDP growth are own computation from the data. Sample: 2006.q1 to 2016.q4.