Jason Abrevaya and Chris Muris, "Interval Censored Regression with Fixed Effects," Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 35, No. 2, 2020, pp. 198-216. This archive consists of 1. data file 'bwdf_diff.csv' (4.0MB), which is zipped in the file am-data.zip 2. a zipped archive 'am-aux-files.zip' that contains R scripts and R Markdown files that reproduce the simulation study in the paper (6.1kB); Files within the two zips are ASCII files in DOS format. Unix/Linux users should use "unzip -a". DATA ---- The data used in the empirical application are already available in the JAE data archive, since it was previously used in J. Abrevaya, "Estimating the Effect of Smoking on Birth Outcomes Using a Matched Panel Data Approach," Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 21, No. 4, 2006, pp. 489-519. It is available at http://qed.econ.queensu.ca/jae/datasets/abrevaya001/. In our empirical application, we transform the original birthweight variable into a censored variable. We provide the transformed data set in this archive. The file contains 78330 observations on mothers, with values for 16 variables. The variable names are in the first line of the text file - descriptions follow. "Difference" refers to the difference between babies. For example "difference in birthyear" means "birthyear of second baby minus birthyear of first baby"). Difference in age of mother is "age of mother when second baby was born minus age of mother when first baby was born". For more information on the data, see the readme file http://qed.econ.queensu.ca/jae/datasets/abrevaya001/readme.ja.txt. Variables: momid3 identification number of the mother dbirwt1 birthweight of the first baby (in grams) dbirwt2 birthweight of the second baby (in grams) dbirwt difference in birthweight, dbirwt2-dbirwt1 bwtr12_1 censored version of dbirwt1 bwtr12_2 censored version of dbirwt2 idx constant 1 year difference in birth year dmage difference in age of mother (in years) agesq difference in age^2 of mother smoke difference in indicator variable for smoking status (1=smoker, 0=nonsmoker) male difference in indicator variable for baby gender (1=male, 0=female) novisit difference in indicator that no prenatal visit occurred pretri2 difference in indicator that first prenatal visit occurred in 2nd trimester pretri3 difference in indicator that first prenatal visit occurred in 3nd trimester index identifier for a mother (1,...,78330) SIMULATIONS ----------- The zip file 'am-aux-files.zip' contains several R scripts and R Markdown files that reproduce the simulation study in the paper. The R scripts and R Markdown files require R>=2.5.0, RStudio>=1.1.4, and the R packages tidyverse (version >=1.2.0). 01-auxiliary_files.R An R script containing data generation and estimation functions called by the next three files. 02-figure-1.Rmd R Markdown file that reproduces Figure 1. Requires the foreach package (version >=1.4.4). Open the file in RStudio and "Run all". 03-table-1.Rmd R Markdown file that reproduces Table 1. Requires the foreach package (version >=1.4.4). Open the file in RStudio and "Run all". 04-table-2.Rmd R Markdown file that reproduces Table 2. Requires the maxLik package (version >=1.3). Open the file in RStudio and "Run all" for one of the rows in Table 2. Follow the instructions in the file to generate the other rows.