Christian Gross and Pierre Siklos, "Analyzing Credit Risk Transmission to the Non-Financial Sector in Europe: A Network Approach", Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 35, No. 1, 2020, pp. 61-81. Thee are two data files, which are zipped in the file Both files are ASCII files in DOS format. Unix/Linux users should use "unzip -a". The file raw_data.csv contains the daily raw series for the 152 CDS spreads over the period Oct 2006 -- July 2017 that are used in the paper. Each column represents one series (plus one date vector) and the variables are organized block-wise according to the sector of each CDS: columns 2-110 are CDS for non-financial corporations, 111-143 are financial firms, and 144-153 are sovereigns. The data are taken from Datastream and Bloomberg. The file serves as input for running the generalized dynamic factor model by Forni et al. as described in Section 2.1 and Appendix A. The Matlab code for estimating the generalized dynamic factor model can be found on Matteo Barigozzi's website: The file idiosyncratic_full_sample.csv contains the idiosyncratic returns for each variable after the dynamic factor model has been applied to the raw data. The file has the same structure and number of columns as the file with the raw data (152 variables plus the date vector). The first two observations are lost relative to the raw data due to first-differencing and the lag in the dynamic factor model. The file idiosyncratic_full_sample is used as input for the static estimation of the large-dimensional VAR as described in Sections 2.2-2.4. Hence, these data are used for the results reported in Section 4.1 (Figures 1-4, A6, A8-A11 and Tables 1-3, A4). The results for the dynamic estimation framework (Section 4.2, Figures 5-9 and A3-A5, A7, A12) are obtained by estimating the dynamic factor model repeatedly for each window based on the file raw_data.csv and using the resulting idiosyncratic returns as input in the rolling-window VAR estimation. Christian Gross, June 2019