Christian Conrad and Onno Kleen, "Two Are Better Than One: Volatility Forecasting Using Multiplicative Component GARCH-MIDAS Models", Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 35, No. 1, 2020, pp. 19-45. All our data and programs are zipped in the file The statistical programming language we used is R. The data used in the article (sources and details) are described in the Section 4 of the main paper and in Appendix F in the online appendix. Data: ----- Our data set can be found in the subfolder 'data'. Our code uses the binary rds-versions, but all files are additionally stored as csv files for the convenience of users that don't use R. There are three different types of data sets: 1) df_recent_releases.rds/csv: This a consolidated data set that does not contain real-time macroeconomic information. 2) df_'macroeconomic variable'.rds/.csv.gz: These are the data files that contain the real-time data set for each macro variable. csv files are compressed in order to save space. 3) df_'macroeconomic variable_release_dates.rds/csv': Contains the release dates of each macroeconomic variable. Empirical analysis: ------------------- All our results and most of the corresponding tables and figures of the empirical section are automatically reproduced by 1) Calling master.R first. Please make sure that the parallel toolboxes in R are working fine. If possible, increase the number of cores that can be used to pursue the real-time estimation loop. The master script builds the folder structure necessary. 2) For reproducing the figures, there has to be a working version of LaTeX on the computer running. 3) Please run the scripts stored in the subfolder 'scripts' consecutively as suggested by their naming scheme. Some scripts rely on output generated by a previous one. 4) All tables are stored in tex-files that can be included in a main tex file as tabular environments. They can't be compiled on their one. LaTeX packages necessary are siunitx and booktabs. NOTE: The real-time estimation strategy will take long if it isn't run on a computing cluster. Onno Kleen onno.kleen [AT]