Bowen Fu, "Bubbles and Crises: Replicating the Anundsen et al. (2016) Results", Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 34, No. 5, 2019, pp. 822-826. For narrow replication, I use the dataset of Anundsen et al. (2016) that is available on the JAE data archive. See This dataset covers 20 countries and a period from 1976 to 2014. For wide replication, I use almost the same dataset, but I do not remove the observations during or immediately after a financial crisis, and I drop observations before 1981. The dependent variable is a dummy variable for the pre-crisis state. The independent variables include private credit growth, household credit-to-GDP gap, NFE credit-to-GDP gap, house price-to-income gap, output gap, global credit/GDP gap, global house price to income gap, exuberance house price to income gap, exuberance credit/GDP, non-core funding gap, and equity ratio. All data files are ASCII files in DOS format. They are zipped in Unix/Linux users should use "unzip -a". Data for Narrow replication: replication_data_model1 is for constant parameter logit model 1 and has 1990 observations. replication_data_model2 is for constant parameter logit model 2 and has 1843 observations. replication_data_model3 is for constant parameter logit model 3 and has 1333 observations. replication_data_model4 is for constant parameter logit model 4 and has 926 observations. Data for Wide replication: fullpanel1.csv is for TVP M1 has 1877 observations. fullpanel2.csv is for TVP M2 has 1877 observations. fullpanel3.csv is for TVP M3 has 1723 observations. fullpanel4.csv is for TVP M4 has 913 observations.