Maik H. Wolters, "How the Baby Boomers' Retirement Wave Distorts Model-Based Output Gap Estimates", Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 33, No. 5, 2018, pp. 680-689. The directory contains the online appendix and two datasets. Each of the datasets comes in two versions, .xlsx and .csv. The .csv files are zipped in, and the .xlsx files are not zipped because they are already in a compressed format. Since the .csv files are in DOS format, Unix/Linux users should use "unzip -a". 1.) Appendix-MW.pdf: This is the online appendix of the paper. Appendix A: Data Sources Appendix B: Model Equations Appendix C: Estimated Parameters Appendix D: Business Cycle Moments of hours Series 2.) DataDSGE: Contains all data used for the estimation of the DSGE model in the paper. a) csv-Version: DataDSGE.csv (contains the observables used in the measurement equations) b) Excel-Version: DataDSGE.xlsx (contains the raw data, the data transformations and the observables used in the measurement equations) The observables are: * delta_y_t_obs: annualized quarterly real per capita output growth * delta_c_t_obs: annualized quarterly real per capita personal consumption spending growth * delta_i_t_obs: annualized quarterly real per capita investment growth * infl_t_obs: annualized quarterly GDP-deflator inflation * wage_t_obs: annualized quarterly real wage growth * int_t_obs: federal funds rate * spread_t_obs: BAA-10yr-TBill spread * hours1_t_obs: average weekly hours in the nonfarm business sector (as in Smets/Wouters, 2007) * hours2_t_obs: demeaned hours per capita in the nonfarm business sector (not used in the paper) * hours3_t_obs: demeaned hours per capita in all sectors * hours4_t_obs: demeaned hours per capita in all sectors with demographical adjustment (recommended hours measure) * hours5_t_obs: demeaned hours per capita in the private business sector * intexp1_t_obs: interest rate expectations one quarter ahead * intexp2_t_obs: interest rate expectations two quarters ahead * intexp3_t_obs: interest rate expectations three quarters ahead * intexp4_t_obs: interest rate expectations four quarters ahead 3.) Francis-Ramey_JMCB_Data_09_ReplicationUpdate: replicates and updates the demographic adjustment procedure of total hours of Francis and Ramey (2009, JMCB). a) csv-Version: Francis-Ramey_JMCB_Data_09_ReplicationUpdate.csv b) Excel-Version: Francis-Ramey_JMCB_Data_09_ReplicationUpdate.xlsx * column A: date. * column B: average weekly hours purged of demographics. This series equals the one by Francis and Ramey until 2007 (column D) and the update from 2007 onwards (column E). Both series are connected via a level adjustment factor of the updated series. * column C: average weekly hours unadjusted. Total hours worked (column G) divided by the noninstitutional population 16+ (column F) times 1/52. * column D: Original Series from Francis and Ramey. Contains the original demographically adjusted hours series from Francis and Ramey (2009, JMCB). * column E: Replication of the work of Francis and Ramey. Contains the replication of the series by Francis and Ramey (2009) and an update after 2007. This is computed by using the unadjusted series (column C) and subtracting the cumulated demographic adjustment factor (column I) and a constant to achieve the same mean as in the unadjusted series. * column F: Noninstitutional population 16+. * column G: Total hours worked. * column H: Chain weighted change in average weekly hours due to demographics. This is the demographic adjustment factor as shown in equation (7) in the paper based on population shares by age group (columns J-Q) and average hours by age group (columns R-Y). * column I: Cumulation of previous column. * columns J-Q: frpop16_17, frpop18_21, ... , frpop65. Population shares by age group. * columns R-Y: hr16_17, hr18_21, ... , hr65. Average hours worked by age group. Maik Wolters University of Jena