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Journal of Applied Econometrics Data Archive

Gustaf Bruze, "Intergenerational Mobility: New Evidence from Consumption Data", Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 33, No. 4, 2018, pp. 580-593. The data used in this paper builds on anonymized administrative data sets owned by Statistics Denmark. The data sets cannot be distributed freely. Any analyses of the data must be done on servers hosted by Statistics Denmark. The data used in the paper will be archived by Statistics Denmark for at least 5 years. The Department of Economics and Business Economics at Aarhus University will assist researchers who wish to get access to the data from Statistics Denmark. These researchers have to enter into a contract with Statistics Denmark and accept the conditions of Statistics Denmark for using their micro data. Information in Danish about these conditions can be found at the website: http://www.dst.dk/en/TilSalg/Forskningsservice/Dataadgang.aspx. A request for help with getting access to the data from Statistics Denmark can be emailed to the data manager at the Aarhus Department of Economics and Business Economics: datamanager_econ.au.dk@econ.au.dk Further questions on how to replicate the results can be emailed to the author gustaf.bruze@ki.se who will assist other researchers in this process. DATA SOURCES 1) Data from Statistics Denmark A) The Danish Expenditure Survey (Forbrugsundersøgelsen) https://www.dst.dk/da/Statistik/emner/priser-og-forbrug/forbrug/forbrugsundersoegelsen B) Administrative Registers i) Buildings and Housing Registry (Bygnings- og boligregistret) ii) Property Appraisal Registry (Ejendomsvurderingar) iii) Property Sales Registry (Ejendomme salgsoplysninger) iv) Central Vehicle Registry (Centralregistret for Motorkøretøjer) v) Health Insurance Registry (Sygesikringsregistret) vi) Income Tax Registry (Indkomstskatteregistret) More information about the Danish Expenditure Survey and the administrative registries can be obtained from Statistics Denmark. Address: Danmarks Statistik Sejrøgade 11 DK-2100 København Ø Denmark Email: dst@dst.dk Telephone: +45 3917 3917 2) Division of Denmark into Neighborhoods The Research Unit of the Rockwool Foundation has divided Denmark into a large number of neighborhoods. These data are described in Piil Damm and Schultz-Nielsen (2008), "Danish Neighbourhoods: Construction and Relevance for Measurement of Residential Segregation." Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, 146, 241-262. A request for using the neighbourhood data can be directed to the Research Unit of the Rockwool Foundation. Address: Rockwool Foundation Research Unit Sølvgade 10, 2. tv. DK-1307 København K Denmark Telephone: +45 3334 4800 Email: kontakt@rff.dk 3) Car Prices Data on the prices of new and used cars in Denmark have been collected by the Association of Danish Car Dealers (Danmarks Automobilforhandler Forening, DAF). The data can be purchased from the company AutoIt. Address: AutoIT A/S Autobranchens Hus Kirkevej 1-3 DK-2630 Taastrup Denmark Telephone: +45 8882 6260 Email: support@autoit.dk 4) Prenegotiated Dental Prices The Danish Regions (Danske Regioner) and the Danish Dental Association (Tandlægeforeningen) regularly agree on prices for dental care in Denmark. More information in Danish about these prices is available at the website http://www.regioner.dk/sundhed/praksissektoren/tandlaegehjaelp-og-tandplejerhjaelp Recent versions of the agreements can be downloaded from the website. Older versions are available upon request from Danish Regions. Address: Danska Regioner Dampfærgevej 22 DK-2100 København Ø Denmark Telephone: +45 3529 8100 Email: regioner@regioner.dk

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