Marco Bernardini and Gert Peersman, "Private Debt Overhang and the Government Spending Multiplier: Evidence for the United States", Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 33, No. 4, 2018, pp. 485-508. All file are contained in the zip file Data and codes are organized in five folders: "programs", "data", "results", "log files", and "article/figurestables". PROGRAMS The programs run in STATA. The STATA do file "runall" runs the following programs (which can run independently): - save the dataset in the excel file "figMATLAB.xls" - baseline estimation (BP shocks) - 01_DN_baseline: baseline estimation (DN shocks) - 02_BP_sensitivity_datawars: sensitivity analysis on the use of historical data (BP shocks-NO wars) - 03_BP_sensitivity_data1952: sensitivity analysis on the use of historical data (BP shocks-only modern sources) - 04_BP_sensitivity_trend: sensitivity analysis on the definition of private debt states (BP shocks) - 04_DN_sensitivity_trend: sensitivity analysis on the definition of private debt states (DN shocks) - 05_BP_transmission: transmission mechanism (BP shocks) - 05_DN_transmission: transmission mechanism (DN shocks) - 06_BP_augmented: augmented estimation (BP shocks) - 06_DN_augmented: augmented estimation (DN shocks) The input of these programs is the dataset, which is contained in the folder "data". The output of these programs is stored in three different folders: "results", "log files", and "article/figurestables". DATA The file "data_20170711.dta" is a STATA dta file which contains the following variables (sample 1919q1-2013q4): - quarter: time variable indicating the quarter - RGCE: real per - capita government spending - RGDP: real per - capita GDP - RCON: real per - capita consumption - RINV: real per - capita investment - DEF: price index - NINT: nominal interest rate - AMTR: average marginal tax rate - PRY: private debt-to-GDP - PRY_cycle: private debt-to-GDP cycle (HP filter with lambda=1e6) - PRY_trend: private debt-to-GDP trend (HP filter with lambda=1e6) - PRO: PRY_cycle > PRY_trend (at least two consecutive quarters) - PRYhp7_cycle: private debto - to - GDP cycle (HP filter with lambda=1e7) - PRYhp7_trend: private debt-to-GDP trend (HP filter with lambda=1e7) - PROhp7: PRYhp7_cycle > PRYhp7_trend (at least two consecutive quarters) - PRYb3_cycle: private debt-to-GDP cycle (HP filter with lambda=4e5) - PRYb3_trend: private debt-to-GDP trend (HP filter with lambda=4e5) - PROb3: PRYb3_cycle > PRYb3_trend (at least two consecutive quarters) - PRYhhd: household debt-to-GDP - PRYhhd_cycle: household debt-to-GDP cycle (HP filter with lambda=1e6) - PRYhhd_trend: household debt-to-GDP trend (HP filter with lambda=1e6) - PROhhd: PRYhhd_cycle > PRYhhd_trend (at least two consecutive quarters) - PRYpfd: total private debt-to-GDP - PRYpfd_trend: total private debt-to-GDP cycle (HP filter with lambda=1e6) - PRYpfd_cycle: total private debt-to-GDP cycle (HP filter with lambda=1e6) - PROpfd: PRYpfd_cycle > PRYpfd_trend (at least two consecutive quarters) - PROcon: empirical cumulative distribution of PRY_cycle - GVY: public debt-to-GDP - GVY_cycle: public debt-to-GDP cycle (HP filter with lambda=1e6) - GVY_trend: public debt-to-GDP trend (HP filter with lambda=1e6) - GVO: GVY_cycle > GVY_trend (at least two consecutive quarters) - AGV: recessions (continuous) - RECQ: recessions (discrete) - ZLB: zero lower bound episodes - SMC: stock market crashes - BC: banking crises - DFNW: defense news - HDS: household debt service ratio - HFO: household financial obligations ratio - MA1520lo: moving average band 15-20 years - lower bound - MA1520up: moving average band 15-20 years - upper bound - MA1520: MA1520lo > 0 (at least two consecutive quarters, = PRO if missing, i.e. in the tails) - DELEV: deleveraging periods - UNEM: unemployment rate - UNS: UNEM > 6.5 RESULTS This folder stores the regression outputs, each in a separate CSV file, which are generated by the STATA programs (see folder "programs"). LOG FILES Folder containing the log files of the STATA programs (see folder "programs"). ARTICLE/FIGURESTABLES The figures are generated in MATLAB (several MATLAB m files titled "fig_*"). Each MATLAB m file reads the estimation results stored in the excel file "figMATLAB.xls", which is generated by the STATA programs (see folder "programs").