Roman Liesenfeld, Jean-Francois Richard, and Jan Vogler, "Likelihood Based Inference and Prediction in Spatio-Temporal Panel Count Models for Urban Crimes", Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 32, No. 3, 2017, pp. 600-620. There are four ASCII (text) data files. Columns are always tab-delimited. Throughout this text, N=138 denotes the number of census tracts 103--9822, T=72 the number of months spanning the time period 01/2008--12/2013, and K=15 the number of socioeconomic regressors. The file 'part1.txt' contains the number of Part I offenses stored as a N x (T + 1) matrix. The columns 1:T+1 contain the following variables: Column Name 1 Census Tract ID 2 number of Part I offenses in 01/2008 3 number of Part I offenses in 02/2008 . . . . . . 73 number of Part I offenses in 12/2013 The file 'part2.txt' contains the number of Part II offenses stored as a N x (T + 1) matrix. The columns 1:T+1 contain the following variables: Column Name 1 Census Tract ID 2 number of Part II offenses in 01/2008 3 number of Part II offenses in 02/2008 . . . . . . 73 number of Part II offenses in 12/2013 The file 'socio.txt' contains the socio-economic variables stored as a N x (K + 1) matrix. The columns 1:K+1 contain the following variables: Column Name 1 Census Tract ID 2 total population 3 population density per square mile 4 median income 5 dropout rate age 16-19 6 civilian unemployment rate 7 poverty rate 8 percentage of total population under 18 9 group quarter proportion 10 percentage of total population that is African-American 11 percentage of population (age 25 and over) with less than a high school degree 12 percentage of population (age 25 and over) with a bachelor degree or higher 13 rental housing units as a percentage of occupied housing units 14 percentage of households having been in the same house for more than one year 15 percentage of female headed household 16 housing units vacancy rate The file 'W.txt' contains the spatial weight matrix W. The first row and column contain the census tract ID so that there are (N+1) x (N+1) entries in that file. All the data are also stored in the MATLAB file 'lrv-data.mat'. The MATLAB file 'Likeli_Spatial_Panel.m' contains the EIS code for evaluating the likelihood. All files except lrv-data.mat are zipped in the file Since these files are in DOS format, Unix/Linux users should use "unzip -a". Please refer to the paper and the online appendix for further details regarding the variables and the EIS code.