Todd E. Clark and Michael W. McCracken, "Tests of Predictive Ability for Vector Autoregressions Used for Conditional Forecasting," Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 32, No. 3, 2017, pp. 533-553. This file describes the data and programs used to produce the application results (from the 7-variable VAR) in the published paper. The file contains the following files: 21439 CMdata.csv 77677 CMdata.xlsx 31232 updatedFREDdata_set_for_CM_paper.xls 20767 VAR7.prg 785 pctiles2s.src 1249 regressfcn.src 4162 VARcondfc.src 2901 VARestloop.src The ASCII files (extensions .csv, .prg, and .src) are in DOS format. The .xls and .xlsx files are binary. Contact information: todd.clark [AT], Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, (216)579-2015 *********** DATA FILES: *********** The data needed to replicate our application results are provided in CMdata.csv (comma-separated value text file) and CMdata.xlsx (Excel file). These files contain 252 quarterly observations on 9 variables, for the 1947:Q1-2009:Q4 period, with rows corresponding to dates and columns to variables. The first row lists the variables. The first column in each file provides the dates of the observation. Quarters 1, 2, 3, and 4 are labeled as months 1, 4, 7, and 10, respectively. Data sources: For the analysis in the paper, we obtained all data from the FAME database of the Federal Reserve Board, except for the population series, which we obtained from the (publicly available) Federal Reserve Board's FRB/US model database. For those interested in updating the data, we also provide an Excel file updatedFREDdata_set_for_CM_paper.xls with the corresponding mnemonics for obtaining updated data series (excluding the population series) from the FRED database of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. A few data details are worth noting. (1) For some components of GDP, including private fixed investment, the BEA only reports chain dollar-based series back to 1999. So for private fixed investment, we used the chain-weighted quantity index. In growth rates, the use of the index instead of a series in chain-weighted dollars is immaterial. (2) In the VAR we used real compensation defined as nominal compensation deflated by the GDP price index. (3) Regarding the data available in FRED versus FAME, the consumption series we obtained from FAME and used in our analysis included three decimal places. However, the consumption series available in FRED is reported to only one decimal place. ************** PROGRAM FILES: ************** contains programs in RATS (all text files) needed to produce the application results, reported in Tables 5 and 6 of the paper. The program files and their roles are as follows. VAR7.prg: program that reads in and transforms the data and calls the procedure files listed below to estimate the forecasting models, produce the forecasts, compute the test statistics, and bootstrap the test statistics to obtain p-values. Note that results conditioned on each different variable are obtained by changing the switch "condpos" that appears at the top of the program. Setting "condpos" to 1 produces results conditioned on the VAR's first variable. Setting "condpos" to 2 produces results conditioned on the VAR's second variable. And so on. VARestloop.src: procedure file to loop over time (the forecast sample) to produce time series of OLS estimates of the VAR VARcondfc.src: procedure file to produce unconditional and conditional forecasts from the VAR, using coefficients, error var-cov matrix, and conditions fed in as inputs regressfcn.src: function file for estimating test regressions pctiles2s.src: function file to computing bootstrap percentiles (two-sided inference)