J. Paul Elhorst, Pim Heijnen, Anna Samarina, and Jan P. A. M. Jacobs, "Transitions at Different Moments in Time: A Spatial Probit Approach", Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 32, No. 2, 2017, pp. 422-439. DATA FILES There are three estimation data files and four spatial weights matrices files, all in plain ASCII (text) format. They are zipped in ehsj-data.zip. Unix/Linux users should use "unzip -a". Data files are: Y (country, year, adoption) -- includes countries with adoption dates for IT. X_raw is the data file for explanatory variables, as retrieved raw from data sources. X_imputed is the file with explanatory variables imputed to get a balanced panel dataset. Spatial weights matrices include: W (10 nearest neighbours matrix), A (common language matrix), B (common legal origin matrix), and C (BIS membership matrix). DATA SOURCES 1. Classification of countries as Inflation targeters and non-inflation targeters. Sources: central banks documents and literature (see references in the paper) 2. Inflation - Annual CPI inflation rate, transformed. Sources: IFS IMF, Datastream. 3. Output growth - Annual GDP growth rates, in %. Sources: IFS IMF. 4. Exchange rate regime Indicator, from 1 (hard peg) to 4 (freely floating). Source: Reinhart and Rogoff(2004), Ilzetzki et al. (2011). 5. Government debt Central government debt as % of GDP. Sources: Datastream, OECD Stat, Jaimovich and Panizza (2010). 6. Financial development - Domestic credit provided by the financial sector/GDP. Sources: WDI World Bank. 7. Central bank instrument independence - Dummy variable, 1 - central bank is instrument independent, 0 - otherwise. Sources: Cukierman et al. (2002), Arnone et al.(2007), central banks laws. VARIABLE NAMES Year 1985-2012 IT 1 = a country adopted Inflation Targeting in year t, 0 = otherwise INFLT CPI inflation rate GDPG annual GDP growth rate EXRR Exchange rate regime indicator DEBT Central government debt as % of GDP FINDEV Financial development - domestic credit to GDP LCBI Central bank instrument independence, 1 = central bank is instrument independent, 0 = otherwise W Binary contiguity matrix, for 10 nearest neighbours A Common language weights matrix B Common legal origin weights matrix C Common BIS membership weights matrix NUMBER OF OBSERVATIONS: 1628 (for 1985-2012), 1392 (for the analysed period, 1985-2008) MATLAB FILES Four zipped folders provide Matlab programs used to estimate the results in Tables 4, 5, and A.1. (Appendix) in the paper. standard-spatial-probit.zip contains a Matlab folder to reproduce the estimation results in Table 4, column 1; our-spatial-probit.zip is for Table 4, column 2. The programs in marginal-effects.zip (rin_regressions_effects) produces the results in Table 5. Note, however, that the results will never be exactly the same, since these effects (as explained in the paper) are obtained by randomly drawing from the variance-covariance matrix 100 times. These random draws are different for every new run. The programs in our-spatial-probit-time-dummies.zip reproduce the results in Table A.1.