Anders Warne, Günter Coenen, and Kai Christoffel, "Marginalized Predictive Likelihood Comparisons of Linear Gaussian State-Space Models with Applications to DSGE, DSGE-VAR, and VAR Models", Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 32, No 1, 2017, pp. 103-119. The data are contained in the file "NAWMData-1980Q2-2011Q4.txt". It is an ASCII file in DOS format, and it is zipped in the file Unix/Linux users should use "unzip -a". The file contains 127 quarterly observations for the sample 1980Q2-2011Q4 of the euro area data employed by the New Area-Wide Model and its three competitors. The number of variables is equal to 18. The variables are already transformed in the file such that they are equal to the actual numbers supplied to the models. The underlying data transformations (as well as the details of the New Area-Wide Model) are described in Christoffel, Coenen, and Warne (2008); see also the descriptions below. The first row of the data file contains the variable names, while the remaining rows contain date information and values of the variables. Name Description ----------------------- DY Real GDP growth in natural logarithms times 100. DC Real private consumption growth in natural logarithms times 100. DI Real total investment growth in natural logarithms times 100. G Detrended government consumption in natural logarithms times 100. DX Real extra exports growth in natural logarithms times 100 and adjusted to have the same average as DY over the sample 1985Q1-2011Q4. DIM Real extra imports growth in natural logarithms times 100 and adjusted to have the same average as DY over the sample 1985Q1-2011Q4. PIY GDP deflator inflation in natural logarithms times 100. PIC Private consumption deflator inflation in natural logarithms times 100. PIIM Extra import price deflator inflation in natural logarithms times 100. E Total employment in natural logarithms times 100, detrended by a linear trend with slope 0.2 and thereafter de-meaned over the sample 1985Q1-2011Q4. DWN Nominal wage growth in natural logarithms times 100. R Short-term nominal interest rate given by the 3-month EURIBOR. S Real effective exchange rate in natural logarithms times 100 and de-meaned over the sample 1985Q1-2011Q4. The real effective exchange rate is computed from the nominal effective exchange rate, the GDP deflator, and foreign prices (described in PIYSTAR). For the definition of the nominal effective exchange rate, see also Hubrich and Karlsson (2010). PIYSTAR Foreign price inflation in natural logarithms times times 100, where foreign prices are defined as a weighted average of foreign GDP deflators taken from the US, Japan, UK and Switzerland. DYSTAR Foreign demand growth in natural logarithms times 100. Foreign demand is equal to world demand (WDR), see Hubrich and Karlsson (2010). RSTAR Foreign short-term nominal interest rate measured by the Federal Funds rate. POILU Oil price index (with 1995Q1 as base period) divided by foreign prices, in natural logarithms times 100, and detrended over the sample 1985Q1-2011Q4. PCX Competitors' export prices divided by foreign prices, in natural logarithms times 100, and detrended over the sample 1985Q1-2011Q4. Competitors' export prices (CXUD) are explained in Hubrich and Karlsson (2010). All time series are taken from an updated version of the ECB's Area-Wide Model (AWM) database (see Fagan, Henry, and Mestre, 2005), except for the time series of extra-euro area trade data, the construction of which is detailed in Dieppe and Warmedinger (2007). The underlying matlab code we have used to estimate the DSGE and DSGE-VAR models is available with the YADA distribution, which can be downloaded from: References: ----------- Christoffel, K., Coenen, G., and Warne, A. (2008), "The New Area-Wide Model of the euro area: A micro-founded open-economy model for forecasting and policy analysis", ECB Working Paper Series No. 944. Dieppe, A., and Warmedinger, T. (2007), "Modelling intra- and extra-area trade substitution and exchange rate pass-through in the euro area", ECB Working Paper Series No. 760. Fagan, G., Henry, J., and Mestre, R. (2005), "An area-wide model for the euro area", Economic Modelling, 22, 39-59. Hubrich, K., and Karlsson, T. (2010), "Trade consistency in the context of the Eurosystem projection exercises: An overview", ECB Occasional Paper Series No. 108.